Star Wars: Old Republic Pre-order open now!

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It boggles MY mind that you can have romance options as a Jedi! I'm gonna wait until the same-sex patch comes out for maximum Jedi Council controversy.
It boggles MY mind that you can have romance options as a Jedi! I'm gonna wait until the same-sex patch comes out for maximum Jedi Council controversy.
Isn't that making an assumption about civilization thousands of years ago, in a part of the universe that wasn't influenced by Christian ideology? It's just as likely that, considering the thousands of species out there, homosexuality isn't that unusual in cultures of their galaxy.
I like that when you consider it, being a Light Sith or Dark Jedi in a giant galaxy full of thousands of them actually makes a lot of sense in the SWTOR era. At that point, if you were a Force user, you're essentially being born into one or the other whatever your inclination. Maybe you're not a evil bastard or zen monk, but by the time you've developed into an adult, you're basically a Jedi or a Sith - you just may not be an ideal one according to your teachers.
I didn't party my Jedi guardian very far, but I did pursue done early romance options with him. When I told my master about it, he didn't say I had to break it off, but that it was against the Jedi code and to be careful. Sort of a "everyone's human" sort of moment.. Even though I was a twi'lek.

Of course, then she betrayed me, and stupid master turned out to be right.
TOR is basically KotOR 3. Painfully so in some cases.
Yeah, gameplay wise that was obvious... but i wanted a sequel that dealt with a closer time, and with what Revan and the Exile where up to after...

Unfortunately it looks like they already wrote a book about it... and he's in TOR now... meh.

And you kill HK-47... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Although i assume that like all SW games the darkside stuff won't be cannon...
I got a sorc to 50, got really frustrated at the fact that we kept losing at warzones, went on an alt spree.
I hit 50 Sunday morning. Ilum is the first planet I truly dislike.

I need to run some flashpoints or something I've been in total tunnel vision from 45-50 and now that I'm back to healer spec I need some practice.
I tried to be healer spec, but there was 2 things that irritated me.
1.) It was exactly like playing a WoW priest (except for)
2.) The healer UI is a piece of crap. Which was true in WoW as well, but at least if you didn't have any mods to make it better you could at least have mouseover macros.

I have been leveling an Op as a healer with my husband's jugg, and I find I like Op healing so much more. Though I almost wish he had made a Sith Assassin tank so that we could just stealth everywhere. ;)
Yeah, I'm an Op and it definitely feels different to heal with an energy bar instead of a mana pool. I enjoy it but trying to solo the Ilum missions with groups of 2 or 3 strong enemies is rough.
Ran about 5 instances with a few guildies yesterday... was a total Sniper fest. I got at least 6 pieces of gear, 3 pieces of Columi. Good day.

Sniping is fun.
Yeah, I'm an Op and it definitely feels different to heal with an energy bar instead of a mana pool. I enjoy it but trying to solo the Ilum missions with groups of 2 or 3 strong enemies is rough.
I find that as long as I keep my tank companion's gear up to date, I can manage all kinds of stupid things as heal spec. It takes me FOREVER, but things will eventually die. (I learned this the hard way when I was lower level and let Khem Val's gear fall behind.)
Healing spec while levelling is horribly painful, just like it is in every other MMO :( My poor Jedi Sage gets no love as a result. At least in WoW, my disc based priest was powerful enough to take on most; in SWTOR I can basically heal myself forever and wait for the badguys to die of old age.
Man I fought a silver mob that did that on Corellia. He had a good amount of health and two different healing techniques, and as a Bounty Hunter, I only have 2 interrupts, one of which is a minute-long cooldown. PLUS mobs don't have a mana/energy/force bar that can run out, and I was at max heat pretty quickly.

As a result, every thirty seconds, I would get a net 300-500 hp from the guy. I fought him for 7 solid minutes. And with him focussing on healing himself so much, and Mako healing me, I never went below like 98% health.

It was the most frustrating pull I've had.

Fortunately there was only one other mob like tat in te area and he was easily avoidable.
Powertech bounty hunter is the most fun I've had since playing a prot paladin in burning crusade. This is amazing.
Well, I just started a Jugg to play in between warzones.

Healing warzones as a healing Op is hilarious. I stealth into a blind corner and heal my ass off until everything is dead then I re-stealth and do it again. Some trooper spent a solid 5 minutes trying to find me hiding in mid because he saw me at the last second of a 10 person melee.

Ninja heals.
For anyone who is interested, or may be interested at a later time, my Imperial guild I Bent My Wookiee will be forming on the PVP server Iron Citadel.

Hope to see you there!
How does one get an invite say if my IA Healer Ingoodhands was on this server?
I kinda has a sad... I didn't really come into SW:TOR expecting much - I have a deep seated resentment of EA stemming from all of the crap they've produced recently (not to mention the colossal dick-monster flop that was Spore), plus their forum policies, and their complete and utter rejection of decent tech support standards; and a deep seated resentment of Lucas and his bullshit midichlorians (sp?), Jar-Jar, and smug sense of self-entitlement and self-importance. I mean, seriously dude, you made three awesome movies... over 20 years ago. Hell the third (original) movie released almost 30 years ago!

Regardless, I tried to come in just expecting a good game, not trying to hold it up to the original movies or to any other games out there and have fun with it on its own merits. I've come away bored with the game even faster than I got bored with Rift. I haven't even had the game for 2 weeks and it's just coming off as meh to me. And I think one of the things that annoys me the most is this whole companion thing. Sure, in other games there are classes that can have constant companions, but not all classes always rely on the fact that you do have constant companions, unlike SW:TOR. Why does my big bad-ass tank need a shooter companion? Why does my stupid head-tress alien seem to think it's wise to constantly pull targets away from me when I'm trying to wail on them with my Sith Warrior, then bitch about the fact that she's dying? Why can't my evil-to-the-core Pureblood Sith cut her down where she stands for being so insolent? Yeah, I know, I can use my other companion or "punish" her, but it's not like she learns from her mistakes. Why are so many of the dark side choices in the SW story-arc counter-productive for the empire? And why the hell are all of the Republic character such frickin' pansies? It's like we're playing frickin' hippy-pacifist-loons. "Oh, please don't hurt me Mr. Sith, I promise I'll be good and will leave this sector even though you're slaughtering the citizens whole-sale and corrupting children and running slaves."

Bah. Bah I say. Can't anyone put out a good game these days? If I want a challenge, do I really have to go back to playing Diablo II, or the original Starcraft, or WC III, or any game from any company before EA or Activision took them over?
See, I do like Vette (though I wish she weren't so anti-dark side. I mean seriously, why is the first companion for SW a goody-two-shoes failure of an assassin?), I just wish I didn't have to choose between keeping her happy and staying evil.

But are they productive for you?

Because that's what the dark side is... well that and cookies.
Sometimes they are, and sometimes they aren't. I'd like the opportunity to play an intelligent but evil Sith Warrior, who does have the best interests of the empire in mind. Sometimes I feel like my only real choice is to either be a light-side Sith who wants the empire to succeed or a dark-side Sith who's all "herp derp, don't care if this loses the empire money/power/respect/etc., I's evil and it's what I says that goes."

It could be that the game's just not for me. Sad to find that out only after dropping $60 on it, but that's the way it goes, I guess. Just gotta remember to cancel before my monthly billing starts up.
My Sith Juggernaut is full darkside, a total evil tyrant, and Vette loves him. She's even become much more self-assured, taking charge of her own life, and obediently follows her lord on mass murder sprees.
I haven't really seen a huge advantage to being fully light side or dark side. Even the light/dark vendors suck, and the lvl 50 stuff is moral neutral anyways, so IMO just make whatever decisions you want and fuck it.
Huh. Maybe I need to slap her around more... or my problem could be the one time I chose not to kill someone, and she remarked at how kind I'd been, and I chose a chat option that I thought would come out as something along the lines of "evil me will be back soon," but instead it came out as "don't expect it to apply to you" so now she thinks I'm just mean to her.

Not that it really matters. The game itself is starting to bore me, so getting Vette to like me isn't really likely to change things.
I wish the game designers would have the characters literally say what you chose in the spin wheel. Too often I chose something that I interpreted as a sarcastic response to a stupid question; and the character said something that was similar enough to see that it could be interpreted that way, but nowhere near what my intention was.
I hate the fact that light side/dark side options mostly come down to "smart choice, and stupid choice". I think the IA storyline for the *most* part does light side/dark side the right way, but the Inquisitor and Consular story lines boiled down to "Kill him/Don't kill him", which was basically stupidity. And don't even get me started on the light side/dark side options for generic planet quests...
Sometimes they are, and sometimes they aren't.

Actually that's pretty good, as long as they do initially appear to favour you the most...

I'd like the opportunity to play an intelligent but evil Sith Warrior, who does have the best interests of the empire in mind. Sometimes I feel like my only real choice is to either be a light-side Sith who wants the empire to succeed or a dark-side Sith who's all "herp derp, don't care if this loses the empire money/power/respect/etc., I's evil and it's what I says that goes."
Well if all the DS choices hurt the Empire, then it's a problem... if not then the real problem is the fact that having both light and dark points isn't different from having only one type...

Otherwise, a computer game will always be pretty much unable to differentiate from helping others out of goodness and doing it because it's advantageous for you...
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