Square-Enix Last Straw: They Out-Asshole Capcom

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Admittedly, three months worth of my life went into play time for Final Fantasy Online. There were probably better ways I could have spent my high school years.

Once my Tarutaru was wearing a Red Mage pimp hat I finally felt finished. Nowadays I cannot find any MMO I can stand to play long enough to justify a subscription.
Admittedly, three months worth of my life went into play time for Final Fantasy Online. There were probably better ways I could have spent my high school years.

Once my Tarutaru was wearing a Red Mage pimp hat I finally felt finished. Nowadays I cannot find any MMO I can stand to play long enough to justify a subscription.
Don't you mean months of your life went into waiting for groups in FFXI just to hear (JPN ONLY, ENGLISH NO). ;P
I'd say that's outrageous, but I actually saw lots of "LF2 H BRC NO KOREENS" in Trade chat when I was still playing WoW.
Except it was very heavy in FFXI for the fact that the game was out in JPN for over an entire year before it was released in America. So JPN players had over a year's worth of experience in running smooth groups (in a game where one death will cost you 9hrs of gameplay, smooth groups were serious business) and they saw American players as detrimental to their success. I know this because I played FFXI from it's release date for 3 years. I ran HNM raids, ran with Linkshell Raids and did alot grouping with both nationalities. Even with a good reputation, alot of JPN ONLY groups will turn down someone if they don't speak JPN. Also because alot of the JPN players ONLY spoke JPN, they didn't want to bother trying to explain to an ENGLISH ONLY American player on how to keep the chain-link xp fights running.
Don't you mean months of your life went into waiting for groups in FFXI just to hear (JPN ONLY, ENGLISH NO). ;P
This was the other reason I quit. Couldn't solo for crap and the Japanese playerbase felt insanely xenophobic most of the time. I'm keeping an eye on the FF14 rebuild, but I'm not expecting anything and have no plans to buy in unless they magically turn things around (though I doubt that).
I played FF XI for about a month. That was about all I could stand.

It still pisses me off that they have the MMOs in the numbered series.
I never actually played either FF MMO. I was warned away by almost everyone I know who played them. They said that they exposed the fact that FF games don't actually have very good world-building. Excellent sense of style, fun plots, etc., but poor world-building, and an MMO is pretty much designed around world-building.[DOUBLEPOST=1358742099][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well, thanks to this thread, I just bought FF9 for my Vita. Never played it before.
If you like FF6, you will like FF9. It's very much a spiritual successor.

...goddammnit, I'm re-buying it for my Vita, aren't I?
To be honest, other than the cutscenes, FF9 is kind of ugly. I think it's because they're trying to put too much detail on low rez textures and polygons(pretty much the curse of being a game at the end of the dev cycle for the PS1), but I LOVED the way you learned spells by leveling up armor and weapons and such.
To be honest, other than the cutscenes, FF9 is kind of ugly. I think it's because they're trying to put too much detail on low rez textures and polygons(pretty much the curse of being a game at the end of the dev cycle for the PS1), but I LOVED the way you learned spells by leveling up armor and weapons and such.
Oh, no disagreement. It suffers a bit visually exactly as you say. But I love the game anyway. It was the last game in the series (for me) where the leveling/learning system didn't feel like they were just fucking around for the sake of being different (granted, did not play 12, mostly because I found the Gambit system in the demo annoying).
I know I've posted this before, but FF9 is a mess story-wise because it's trying to tell three unrelated stories.

FF9 discs 1 and 2: a fun throw-back to whimsical fantasy.
FF9 disc 3: weird sci-fi trippy portal planetary story (not unlike FF8).
FF9 disc 4: interesting lore-based story with ideas that aren't mentioned or built up to in the previous 45+ hours.

And the graphics were a pixely mess. Though I didn't mind the leveling. It was nice for characters to have defined roles in combat for the first time since FFIV.
All this talk of awesome old Square games is making me wish that the second Chrono sequel had gotten made. :(

All this talk of new Square games is making me thankful that the second Chrono sequel isn't being made. :awesome:
It's actually making me want to go back and play Chrono-Cross. I bought it a while ago, but never had a chance to really get into it.
It's not as good as Trigger (but what is, really?), but I still spent a huge amount of time on Cross. They're really very different games, and excellent for different reasons.
I've got Cross sitting on my PS3, I haven't gotten around to playing it. I know I have FF9 discs around here somewhere but I can't find them and that makes me horribly sad.
I know I've posted this before, but FF9 is a mess story-wise because it's trying to tell three unrelated stories.

FF9 discs 1 and 2: a fun throw-back to whimsical fantasy.
FF9 disc 3: weird sci-fi trippy portal planetary story (not unlike FF8).
FF9 disc 4: interesting lore-based story with ideas that aren't mentioned or built up to in the previous 45+ hours.

And the graphics were a pixely mess. Though I didn't mind the leveling. It was nice for characters to have defined roles in combat for the first time since FFIV.
The first two discs were really fun. I really liked the game after a disappoint FF7 and a horrible FF8.

Then I popped in DISC 3 and I got raped in the ass with glass shards. The pain I endured after that 1 hour long cut scene as they ruined the whole game for me was something I'll never forget.

I never made it to Disc 4.

The combat system was pretty enjoyable though. You know, when you actually controlled characters strategically and didn't have to use gambits or "line changes" to win battles.
Chrono Cross just shits on anything else on PS1 graphically and aurally too.
If only they'd settled on a handful of characters to flesh out instead of a hundred single-dimensional ones.

And if they hadn't killed off every character but Magus.
Yeah, the whole super enormous party thing was pretty lame.
I also wish the plot had made more sense.

Well, that's unfair. What I should say is the plot made sense, but the little details to make it work didn't make a lot of sense. Of course, 12 years since I spent a summer playing the game over and over to make sense of the mess, I can't remember any of the plotholes I was trying to understand.
Yeah, the whole super enormous party thing was pretty lame.
It wouldn't have been if everyone had been useful... but really, there are basically 6-10 people you would ever want to use. Some of the upgrades some people get are just incredibly OP and it makes them broken.
ESPECIALLY Glenn and his god damn double Einlanzers.
I own Chrono Cross. I tried to play it, but it opens with the world's most annoying character right out of the gate.
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