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So.... about that new Health Care bill...




Ok.... so the final step is going to modify the Senate version and not going to be open to the public? (i.e. the rest of the house and senate) I think that is a big mistake.

It is a major overhaul with possible insurance Tax, subsidies (which mean government have to fund it) it won't be "self sustaining" as Obama had hoped for.

Some of the point of the article does sit well with me like holding insurance company accountable and such, but it sounds great on paper, who in the world is going to enforce it?




The entire thing is one great big steaming pile of shit, and they're going to ram it through under cover of night, because it represents one of the biggest political powergrabs in our history since Andrew Jackson. And the American people are going to let it go through because somewhere over the last few years, people started getting the idea that they shouldn't have to pay for something that is important to survival, even though that's what we've always done be it for food, shelter, or medical care, and ours up until now has been the best in the world. Unfortunately for them, this bill will not give them the "free" health care they thought it would. It won't even lower health care costs. Projections show that, in fact, it will increase health care costs. Way to go, shitheads.



That is what I'm thinking. Government subsidies won't help, money has to come SOMEWHERE, and when the money run out (i.e. can't tax any higher) the people paying for it, will pay HIGHER rate. I don't think this is such a good idea. I think they should have set laws for tort (is that the right word?) or legal suit for medical and such. That will help in the long run.



Lets see if it works as well as the countries on the top 10 of the human development index (all have public healthcare).
If it does, support it and politicians that want to maintain it. If not, vote to the contrary.
