Shawnacy's 4E D&D Game! (Thread allowed 30 pages)

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doomdragon6 said:
Hehe. I'm sure Shawn would just up the DCs if I did that. =P
Well, yeah, if he feels like upping the difficulty specifically to fuck up your AND ONLY YOUR build. :heythere:


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I guess it couldn't hurt to take Bluff as a Skill Focus. +17 to Bluff wouldn't be too bad.

But I definitely want to use the Feat on other things. I was originally going to go for Dual Implement Mastery or whatever. I thought it added the bonus to Attack rolls as well, but it's just damage. I'd really like to increase my attack bonus somehow, but I hate relying on things like Combat Advantage (flanking and whatnot) because it doesn't actually happen all that often.


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Mostly because Thursday snuck up on me and it was like, "Oh dang! It's already Thursday! Too bad there's no game!"

Stupid Shawn trying to chase his dreams. *goes and pouts*

I guess I'll just be over here min/maxing my character. =D


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Hahaha. :rofl:

Actually, a similar article I read is what started me on D&D entirely. (And in a way started all the games on Halforum.)

See, I read whatever article it was making fun of D&D monsters, which put me in a huge D&D info binge. I was already interested in D&D before but never had any way to play it.

So I posted on Halforum asking about it, how to get started, etc etc.

That spawned another D&D thread or two, and from THAT Dave started the first Halforum D&D game. After that, Shawn wanted to game, so I started another thread, but we couldn't find a DM, so that started this game. :D

Then we made another for Gruebeard's game, but that fell through kinda quickly. :bush:

Then of course all the other games started/tried to start.


MUA HA HA HA HA HA! :rofl:


Staff member
Thursday cannot come fucking fast enough!


Somebody talk about something! XD

Just randomness: It's too early to tell I guess if it's gonna happen or not, but when Shawn first brought out the puppets that resembled our characters, my first thought was that we were going to have to fight puppet "clones" of ourselves-- You know, "creatures" with our stats and powers. That would've been pretty kickass to me. But, it would probably be very easy once we took out Puppet Saryon, since the only thing that makes us not die is healing, and the only thing that makes enemies not die is hit points.
I wouldn't wan to stare down the barrel of a loaded clone!Kratash.

Sounds awesome though. I love doing stuff with my group, especially if I can show more effective spells/tactics/combos that they have available to them. Nothing teaches my group how awesome something is better than being on the receiving end of it.
doomdragon6 said:
Thursday cannot come smurfing fast enough!


Somebody talk about something! XD

Just randomness: It's too early to tell I guess if it's gonna happen or not, but when Shawn first brought out the puppets that resembled our characters, my first thought was that we were going to have to fight puppet "clones" of ourselves-- You know, "creatures" with our stats and powers. That would've been pretty kickass to me. But, it would probably be very easy once we took out Puppet Saryon, since the only thing that makes us not die is healing, and the only thing that makes enemies not die is hit points.
what if the us puppets took out real saryon? :bush:
You guys really shouldn't give me such evil ideas.
In this situation your theories aren't going to change any specific details about the villains, but you never know when I might like your twisted idea better. :twisted:


Staff member
Feel kinda bad about your game, Jay. I'm sitting here wiggin' out cuz we didn't have a game last week, and your game's gone under the last two in a row.

Haven't seen Julie on in a bit--- is she still actually online? She's not getting burnt out on our game, is she? She usually posts about how excited she is about something or other. :uhhuh:
doomdragon6 said:
Feel kinda bad about your game, Jay. I'm sitting here wiggin' out cuz we didn't have a game last week, and your game's gone under the last two in a row.

Haven't seen Julie on in a bit--- is she still actually online? She's not getting burnt out on our game, is she? She usually posts about how excited she is about something or other. :uhhuh:
I'm gonna have to call that girl and bug her. Usually Daryl is the one who's hardly ever online to chat with, and yet he's been more reachable than Julie as of late.
Luckily for us I have a new phone plan and I can talk with her as long as I want! Muahahaha!
Julie's leg is still hurting her and she's going to bed much earlier each night. You guys are seeing me more because she and I hang out before she goes to bed, and then I'm up for another hour or so. Plus her brother visited this weekend and they went to a Tori Amos concert, so she wasn't around then. This coming weekend she will be visiting a friend on the other side of the state before said friend goes back to Japan for another few months.

She's certainly not getting burnt out; she talks about the game a lot and she spent the last couple days after work listening to the last week's session on my iPod (thanks again for recording it, Doom).

I think we've all been looking forward to the next session.


Staff member
Muy excitido about ze game tomorrow. I'll be there definitely. Though my sleep schedule is all kinds of futzed up, so if I'm not there, someone kindly give me a call please. :rofl: (Shawn has mah number.)
doomdragon6 said:
Muy excitido about ze game tomorrow. I'll be there definitely. Though my sleep schedule is all kinds of futzed up, so if I'm not there, someone kindly give me a call please. :rofl: (Shawn has mah number.)
Man alive I love this new Monster Builder program they just released. It couldn't have had better timing.


Staff member
It sounds pretty useful. Will this mean we get new crazy absurd monsters to fight? =D

*enjoyed the acidic ooze monster the most so far I think*
I played with the monster builder as well, I did enjoy it very much even though I didn't plan to use any created challenges for my players in the immediate future.
I have your number, Doom and if you are late I'll give you a call.

Today will be interesting. Those convinced that last week didn't have enough encounters will probably be happy to know this one is encounter heavy (well, it has potential to be. I leave plenty of flexibility regarding player actions). I've printed out a mess of level appropriate monster stats that are going to be used as stand ins for some of the stuff in this upcoming one. The Monster Builder was also wonderful for making the harder to substitute monsters and the villain.

Good luck folks.
Shawnacy said:
I have your number, Doom and if you are late I'll give you a call.

Today will be interesting. Those convinced that last week didn't have enough encounters will probably be happy to know this one is encounter heavy (well, it has potential to be. I leave plenty of flexibility regarding player actions). I've printed out a mess of level appropriate monster stats that are going to be used as stand ins for some of the stuff in this upcoming one. The Monster Builder was also wonderful for making the harder to substitute monsters and the villain.

Good luck folks.
Honestly, I felt last week didn't have enough encounters or RP. Really, it felt lacking in content entirely. It's almost like we didn't even play last week. *COUGH* Ahem.
Could have gone better. I tried a few things that I thought might make things a little more interesting and they just turned into a big confusing mess. I missplanned that battle and it was a "TPK" (K for Kapture). People got bored and turns took way too long. I don't think I've ever actually had to completely repeat what an NPC has said because someone wasn't listening before.
I'm just mad at myself, because I know I can do better.

I'll have a summary up and a few new additions to the Characters and Locations sections of the summary board shortly.


Staff member
I don't think the battle was that bad-- I enjoyed it. I remember Jay saying we'd been in battle for 2 and a half hours and I was like, "Really?" Granted, I was a bit distracted because my gf was sick and I was trying to make her feel better, but for the most part I was still "there".

I thought it was a fun idea, but I'm biased cuz the "Haunted Circus" is one of my favorite "tropes" and marionette type creatures are my favorite thing to fight right after undead.

Us being body-swapped with puppets can be fun, because we're basically in a whole "new" world that's just the old world enlarged. But right now it's just that the odds are SO super immensely against us.

We're tiny.
We're in a world that might not even be our own world.
We have to find the real usses, in this huge village that is populated by children. That may help us, as children would love to help a toy out, but it also might hurt us, because they're USELESS CHILDREN.
Plus, travel would take forever. Getting across the village could easily take a day. (Squirrel and Bird mounts ftw. Come on! They're temporary and have an excellent reason for us to not use them later [ie, we're big.]
Furthermore, our only lead is an old numbskull toymaker.

I'm looking forward to next week, but I'll definitely say I don't know where to go from where we are. It's just so big and open, and being tiny makes the world feel even biggerer and openerer.

Don't be too hard on yourself Shawn. :D :thumbsup:
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