Scottish MP writes gay marriage treatise

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Ha! I didn't even read the comment. Weeeeell then. He links to an article that argues that gay marriage destroys gay sexual freedom by making them oppressed. Soooo... okay.
While I don't mean to offend anyone married, the entire process of marriage seems pointless to me. In my opinion if people like each other and want to stay together they don't need to prove themselves with some ceremony. Of course das jus me.
I went through a phase of going around asking people, "What is the purpose of marriage?" Never really got an answer.

Now I'm getting married in three months. Still don't know what the purpose of marriage is. Should probably look into that soon.
Its not the commitment of it I question I understand that fully and agree with it, but merely the ceremony and legal certificate of it. Do either of these things make a relationship concrete? I question it.
Its not the commitment of it I question I understand that fully and agree with it, but merely the ceremony and legal certificate of it. Do either of these things make a relationship concrete? I question it.
Legally speaking, it's a joining of families, as a marriage certificate grants someone many rights and privileges relating to their spouse that would not be offered to a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Legally speaking, it's a joining of families, as a marriage certificate grants someone many rights and privileges relating to their spouse that would not be offered to a boyfriend or girlfriend.
This isn't to say that you couldn't give someone else those rights another way, but you'd have to go through at least a dozen different processes and need a lawyer to do it. Marriage is simply much easier to do.
Ha! I didn't even read the comment. Weeeeell then. He links to an article that argues that gay marriage destroys gay sexual freedom by making them oppressed. Soooo... okay.
No, no, no, you got that all wrong... what he's saying is that once gay marriage is legalized he won't be able to string people along with the excuse that they can't get married anyway...
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