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So, I'm new to WoW. I'm on the free trial for the game, just to see what its like.
I know, I know, "my life is over", etc, etc. I played CoH/CoV for several months a year ago, but just never got into it. Like most people here have said, the character creation is the best part of the game.

Anyway, I've enjoyed the first few levels so far (Lvl 5 troll hunter). I know that there are a whole host of addons and things to help play the game. Where can I find these things and which ones would you guys/gals recommend? When/If the time comes, I'd like to join Halfknights as well.

C'mon, help a newb out! :bush:

At level 5 I would recommend no mods at all.

Also, HalfKnights is Alliance, unfortunately, so your troll wouldn't be able to join. Roll an Ally and we'll hook you up once your trial's done. :thumbsup:
ZenMonkey said:
At level 5 I would recommend no mods at all.

Also, HalfKnights is Alliance, unfortunately, so your troll wouldn't be able to join. Roll an Ally and we'll hook you up once your trial's done. :thumbsup:
Oh yeah, I know that it's Alliance. I just rolled Horde to see if I will actually like the game! :D

Gotcha. Personally I'm Horde at heart but everyone in RL or here seems to lean Alliance-wise so my highest level characters are Alliance. :(

Anyway, if you're interested in addons, I'd say play with an eye towards what bugs you about the interface or the playstyle. Like if you love the game but absolutely hate the minimap, there are addons for that. Or the more you play your class, the more you might find you would like a mod to warn or notify you of spell availability. And so forth.

Addons are fantastic but they can be buggy or conflict with other addons, and many tend to break with every big patch, so it's better to add them one at a time and only when you really need/want them. (For a new player, I mean.) Someone might tell you "get Gatherer or GatherMate, you MUST HAVE IT if you take a gathering profession!" And that is true, they are extremely helpful, but totally unnecessary when you're still picking peacebloom in the newbie areas.
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