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paging movie buffs or how I need some battle of the Bulge movies



hello Halforum

I'm in my masters History now and I need to write a thesis

My subject is The Battle of the Bulge in fiction movies
currently I have:
- Band of brothers (2001)
- Battle of the Bulge (1965)
- Patton (1970)
- Battleground (1949)

so I need 2 to 5 movies more to really get a good starting point for my thesis

I'm going to search other places as well but I figured no wrong in asking

so can you help me out, I would like to have some that fill the gaps so '70s, '80s or '90s and maybe some none American ones, but everything will help





You've named the ones I've found.

---------- Post added at 10:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:47 AM ----------


I'm also trying to find movies by German film-makers about the subject. I think that would be a very interesting twist.

---------- Post added at 10:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 AM ----------




I don't really have any more suggestions beyond what has been given.

What's your thesis? Comparing the movie to the facts..? Maybe you could look for some documentaries too.

Im doing a Masters in History over here in Canada myself, on French Canadians and the First World War.



cool, thanks guys

and BM it's more like I want to investigate how to make a historical fiction that is based on facts work within the boundaries of the medium while using the case of the Battle of the Bulge
and being that I am originally from the aria round Ypres I do know a bit or to about WWI



Thats interesting.. Do you think it can work? I suppose it depends on what boundaries of the medium entails.

You gonna tie it into the concept of war and memory at all? Im a big fan of uhm.. Pierra Nora and the British fellow who wrote Great War and Modern Memory.

And another movie, that's not on the bulge, but about events during it, Saints and Soldiers: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0373283/



yeah I was thinking about using Norra, but it's still in its starting stages so I don't really know if it will work like I would like but I'll see
