Nintendo Refurbished / Pawn Shop stuff

Hey, all; forgive me if this is posted, but I haven't seen this before.

If you're interested in a Wii U / 3DS, Nintendo sells official refurbished items on their website ( at pretty reasonable prices. They have a black Wii U (32 GB) with Nintendoland for $200 + $5 shipping; I purchased one of these and it's in absolutely fantastic condition. They also have refurbished Wiimote + Nunchuks for $20.

Additionally, this is less of a deal but I thought I'd share the wealth. I recently found a pawn shop near me that does flat-rate $6 for DS games, $10 for 3DS games, and is pretty reasonable with their other console games (e.g. $12 for Left 4 Dead 2 for Xbox 360). While high-demand games are probably right out (Pokemon, Bravely Default, Fire Emblem: Awakening, etc), I make a weekly trip there to scope out what they have. If there's any games you're looking for, PM me and I'd be happy to provide them at cost (game + shipping) if I can find them.
