Little bored

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Staff member
Been a bit of a slowish day here in the office. Took tomorrow off as a personal day, so trying to ride the rest of the day out until the 3 day weekend. Got a lot going on, looking at new places to live, etc.

More importantly, brewfest this weekend, which should be a hoot! What is everyone else up to on this lazy thursday?


Ah a brewfest. I'm jealous. I went to one this past May. I love brewfests.

It's actually really nice out, I think I might stop by the driving range after work.

Steven Soderburgin

working, brainstorming for podcasts (not the halforum podcast), reading news, planning my weekend (seven movies I want to see), basically being awesome

Kissinger said:
working, brainstorming for podcasts (not the halforum podcast), reading news, planning my weekend (seven movies I want to see), basically being awesome
May I ask which one? I'd love to listen to one.

Steven Soderburgin

It's in the early planning stages. Still working out the format. I'll let everyone know when things get closer to go time.


I spend my slow days at the office rolling numerous D&D characters, since I have read all the webcomics in the goddamn world. Sometimes if I'm assigned to the office computer I'll watch Lost.
Got tomorrow off too. I'm taking the dog in for some shots at the vet. I want to get out of here, dog was acting strange when I left this morning. He was limping on his one side, almost like it hurt to turn to the right too. He likes to jump off the porch and run after rabbits though, so he could have hurt himself doing that or something. Hopefully that's all it was.
Just submitted my 5th assignment for my stupid ass Human Resources Management course. I have learned I am not an HR person by any stretch of imagination. Having that sent away, I am now back to work planning out the next 3 months of our marketing campaign including goals out to staff and incentives for customers. Had all the creative done early last week so the 'hard' stuff is done.

Now I'm just staring out the window at the river, waiting for a boat or something to float by.

*snaps his attention back to the computer*

Alt-tabbing back and forth to my email, hoping something interesting comes in.

Helping a cow-orker upload content to Youtube, post to Blogger, Twitter a bit (all work related)

Playing BrickBreaker on my Blackberry.


Staff member
I'm eagerly awaiting the FedEx truck to deliver my netbook. First time I've owned a laptop, all my previous computers have been desktops.


Staff member
Huh, got a busy stint there. It ended. maybe i should start looking for a new career. I was really considering going back to school, and going for a masters in Library Science earlier this year. But that drive just seemed to stop. perhaps it is a rut I am in. Maybe I will look back into it soon. It really seemed to interest me more than what I am doing now.

Though, perhaps, life would be better spent wandering the earth, having adventures. Meet people and shit. Like Cane from Kung Fu.

Steven Soderburgin

now i'm watching youtube videos and listening to shit on my iphone
normally i would be getting off work in 11 minutes.

Today, I have a meeting scheduled for the hour after I'm normally off work.

I should probably ramp up the hyperbole and put this in the rants section.
Edrondol said:
Kissinger said:
working, brainstorming for podcasts (not the halforum podcast), reading news, planning my weekend (seven movies I want to see), basically being awesome
May I ask which one? I'd love to listen to one.
50 minutes of dick sucking sounds by charlie and kissinger. :smug:
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