[Question] Is it possible to know the hits a website has recieved during a certain period?

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Preparing a book about advergaming, I find myself unable to find information about Robot Unicorn Attack other that its uninterrupted success is a key element in the success of adultswim.com*, at least up to 2011 (I have not newer or older data), and the obvious simptoms of success in that it recieved ports to several platforms, a heavy metal version, merchandise, and a sequel.

If only I could find the approximate hits for the page (games.adultswim.com or, even better, the subpage with the game) from january 2010, it would be very helpful, but with a quick google search of tools, the furthest I can get is 2011. But, as you may know from other threads, im not good with the technical aspects of... well, anything... and I turn to the forums, as there's a bunch of helpful and tech savy people who may help me.
What kind of tool may I use to help me find this data?


*the other one is the sustained success of Hemp Tycoon, but there's even less data about this game.
Quantcast only goes back to June 2011, and Alexa doesn't even have data for that subpage.

I don't know of any other resources, but if the big ones weren't watching it, the little ones won't have watched it either.

The only people that are going to know are likely to be the webmasters that run the site.
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