I'll draw when I want to, Okay?

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My friends started a blog where every two weeks someone declares a theme and we're supposed to do drawings in that theme. The theme right now is bromance, and its the first time I've participated:
Just a heads up that this will be starting up again shortly. I have a cintiq now, which I'm having a blast with already and I haven't even done anything worth showing yet. But when I start my new job next Monday, I'll spend the first hour of my work day warming up by doing sketches which I'll post here.
For now I'm doodling various forum members avatars for that Jay and Dave picture.
Added at: 04:17
If you want some more inspiration for such drawings (hockey), might I recommend picking up Essex County, by Jeff Lemuire?
Never heard of it.
Fantastic stuff man.

What would be the cherry on top? The colossium background with spectators being random HF posters and their respective gimmicks.
Thought this would make a good banner. Working on it. Need to add in a lot more forumites still.
Sorry for the others who made them, but THAT is the one that should be on the front page.

As for the requests to draw stuff, I wouldn't object to a cartoon version of my avatar...:p
The best part of that?

There's empty spaces.... AND

genius idea....

extra floors....

so who's who in that again?
Chazwozel Mathias

EDIT: Holy eff those came out bigger than I intended. spoilered for image size
I might have to fix this one up a bit:

And A slightly updated banner:
North Ranger on the left, Seej coloured in, bowielee added in, Cheesy's roughs are fleshed out a bit, and on the far right..... that will eventually be Frankie Williamson and Officer_Charon
Let me know if the colours are at all messed up. I just looked at the banner rough on my other monitor and now I have less faith in my cintiq's brightness settings.
Why work on the banner has stalled:

The cintiq functions perfectly otherwise, and I get pressure sensitivity in ToonBoom, just not Photoshop.
Nope. Tried switching from the 64 bit to the 32 bit Photoshop, didn't make a difference. The weird thing is it works in everything else.


Staff member
I just read over at gutterzombie that a workaround is to click the photoshop shortcut with your pen, and not your mouse. And for the love of all that's holy, don't click anything until photoshop has finished loading.
Thread title changed to be slightly more accurate.

I seem to be getting pressure sensitivity and eraser function out of my cintiq pretty consistently now. I did absolutely nothing to fix it. Maybe there was a Windows update later on that patched the problem? It seemed to be a Windows Update that caused the issue in the first place.
Anyway, I drew this today. It may or may not be (is) inspired by a conversation I may or may not have had with myself (did):

So anyway, I no longer have an excuse to not finish that banner. I guess I'll get to work.

I'm on a short list for candidates for an illustration job and have to put together a package for their review to hopefully get the job. So I'm back to not posting here for a while cause that stuff is all of a "Don't show this to anybody" nature... I'm also going to install LeechBlock so I'll probably spend less time on Halforums in general.
Over a year ago, my friends and I sat down to have a battle royale between our two D&D parties who had simultaneously been running the same campaign (And had originally all started as one giant ass party... we worked it all into the story.)
Anyway, I had resolved to draw that battle, and then I drew two of the characters and put it away. Just today I resolved to finish this thing, and so here are the roughs so far:

I've still got some tweaking on some of the roughs to do, and then I've still got 3 more characters to draw. And then of course clean up and colouring. But this is pretty good progress for a few hours' work I think.
A progress report:

That's everyone in there, but their human ranger and our shifter shaman still need a rough clean pass before I can continue with them.

Tomorrow and Thursday I'm going to be doing some animation though, so this drawing is going on hold until Sunday evening. (Going home on Friday for a friend's wedding on Saturday).
Luckily most of the characters were already designed by my friends, I just put my own spin on them. Otherwise, I'm balls at designing armour. I only designed armour for 4 of them (Mine, and three friends who never bothered to design their charaters- the two tieflings and the shifter shaman). Well, 5 sort of, because I never actually look at my friend's design for his dragonborn, I just try and do it from memory.I know he paints it orange, but he always forgets he picked ice, not fire. At least I remember that the character is left handed.
Speaking of remembering characters are left handed, I got midway through clean up before I thought "Hey, I bet my left handed friend made her archer a left handed archer and this pose is completely wrong."
I remembered that my right handed friend's dragonborn was left handed, but didn't even think that MAYBE my left handed friend's character is left handed.

Didn't get as much done today as I'd hoped, as I spent the majority of the day retooling my resume and trying to write a cover letter (I don't know about you, but I really have trouble with cover letters)
As well as cleaning and colouring the eladrin and the wizard and doing a rough clean pass on the ranger, the bard and the shaman, I also fiddled a bit with how the spirit companions were rendered. And I threw in a really rough background as well. Not sure how cleaned up I want to make the BG when all is said and done. I think this picture's going to be plenty clustered as is.

It's finished now:

I decided not to include the fireballs being launched through the air. I think the image is busy enough without that.

So now, finally, I will provide some context.

In our second year of animation, our friend and former teacher sat us down to teach us D&D. There were so many of us, we split the party into two parties afterward. But we continued to play the same campaign, and our DM worked things around so that our actions had semi-canon affects on eachother. We occassionally would see members of the other party at the tavern, we could scratch little notes for one another or leave messages with the bartender, they even cast a spell to lock an important door on us. And apparently my dwarf had a drunken one night stand with their orc. They told me about it the next day, and I said it was hilarious and could be canon.

Towards the end of 4th year, we decided the feud would come to blows, and we had a battle royale.

Our party won. Our bard died, but we killed their entire party.

My good friend Nick has written up a brief preview and summary of the battle, and also took the liberty of recording the whole thing as a very, very long podcast on his DM blog.

The podcast is kind of a tough listen. There's 11 people, some of whom were drinking, and one who's phone wouldn't stop ringing. So you're welcome to listen to it, but don't say I didn't warn you.
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