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I need some cosplay help (Now with end result pictures)




I decided that I wanted to dress up as Pokemon Trainer Red for the ECCC. The only problem is that I only have less than a month to get the outfit together. I found a place that sold the Kanto region badges and I bought them. I already have the jeans and a shirty but I am having troubles with the vest. So I was wondering if anyone had any ideas where I could get the vest/backpack (the backpack is not necessarily needed but it would be nice). I found a hat that would work but I am still looking to see if I can find a better one so if anyone knows a good place for that I would be appreciative of that as well.




The easiest solution in my mind is to buy a red fleece vest, tape off the zipper/collar and paint it white - and will probably work in a time crunch.

I'll keep thinking though and let you know if I come up with anything else.

As for the back pack..I would look on ebay. Hopefully you can find something that will work for you. (I'll do an actual search later if you don't want to look.)




What kind of paint would work best for painting the vest?

And as far as the backpack goes I did a quick search for one earlier on ebay and I didn't see one. But than again I only had a few minutes to search. So later today when I get a chance I will do a more indepth search.



What kind of paint would work best for painting the vest?
White paint.




There are fabric specific paints, generally you can find them at any craft store and I don't see why they wouldn't work. I've personally never tried it, though.

If you have the time and know someone who sews. I would buy the red fleece vest, buy some white fleece and ask them to add it on.







Which con? :)




The Emerald City Comicon




I found two possible backpacks but I can;t decide which one to get. They both are about the same price after shipping/tax. One has a slightly nicer shape but it has the name of the company and a reflective strip on it. The other one looks nice but not quite as nice but it doesn't have any reflective strip or anything on the back.




Oh, good finds!

I would personally go with the one without any insignia on it. Keeps the illusion alive.




I am leaning towards the one without the insignia on it but I was thinking that I may be able to hide the insignia with a patch of some sorts. But that would require more money and time than I probably have since the con is only 3 weeks away.




Go with what one you like best, the insigna isn't terrible, and I doubt anyone will call you on it. So if that's the back pack you like most, I fully support that.




As far as looks they are pretty much tied. The only main differences is the insignia/reflective strip and that one has two mesh pockets on the side and the other one has one. As I said earlier I am leaning towards the one without the insignia but I am just kinda running my mind over all possibilities so I can try and make sure I choose the best one.

I decided I am going to go with the plain one that doesn't have the insignia. It matches the look I am going for a bit better since it doesn't have the insignia/reflective strip. And with that it leaves me mainly just needing the vest. Sure there are little things I am working on such as I am trying to make some mini pokeballs and I am looking for a pokedex but they are not needed if I run out of time. As far as the vest i am waiting to hear back from a friend on whether his mom would be able to sew it for me or not. If she can't I will be back on the hunt but so far everything seems to be going rather smoothly.




I finished making the mini pokeballs :)

They aren't perfect but I think turned out alright for the most part. I was going for the pokeballs before they get enlarged to their full size.

If I ever do it again I have a few ideas on how to make them better but for now I think these will work.

Just excuse the paint on my fingers




I think it's a great first go! Kind of adorable really.




I got pretty much everything together except the jacket/vest. I had a coworker who thought his mom would be able to make it but after a few weeks of waiting I still received no answer so now choice but to assume it is a no. So now I have less than two weeks left to make something. Right now I am trying to decide if I want to try and find a seamstress or if I should find a jacket and cut the sleeves off and sew some white sleeves and a collar on. But I guess it is my fault for waiting so long for an answer. I should have been working on it instead of waiting.




I want to know what type of technology they have in the Poke-verse that they can just shrink and grow all this stuff at will. I mean do the pokemon get converted to data? They're stored on computers, so are they like Digimon?




They never bothered to bothered to fully explain the technology behind a pokeball but there is still a decent bit of info that fans have been able to put together.





I made my son and daughter Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Trainer outfits. HONESTLY, unless you are completely unable to hold your hand steady, you can probably do the vest on your own, assuming you can find a red fleece vest as a base. Just get some white fabric, some white thread, and a needle, and sew that nonsense on. If you have someone you can borrow a sewing machine from that can show you how to use it, even better, and you can probably do it in about 10 minutes. Also, only one picture had white sleeves, every other one had a vest with a black shirt underneath. Don't know if you want to make it harder on yourself at this point.




The sleeveless version is the newer version of Trainer Red from Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen and SSBB. The older style with the sleeves is the original style and it is the one I am hoping to try and replicate. My mom knows how to sew but she hasn't done any real sewing in probably over 10 years. As for me I have never really sewn. I am willing to try and learn but I am not sure if there is time left. I plan on taking one whole day coming up to just go and try and figure out the best plan. I found a seamstress but they wanted me to bring them a pattern but I am unsure of a pattern that exists for exactly what I want. At this point unless I can find someone who is reliable and able to go off pictures I am leaning towards buying a red jacket and cutting the sleeves off and than cutting some white sleeves off a shirt and sewing them onto the jacket along with a popped collar and some white flaps for the pockets.




Honestly that is what I would do. Following patterns can be a pain in the ass. Does your mom have a sewing machine that she at least remembers how to set up? It'll be faster and neater than trying to do it by hand.




She has a sewing machine but she isn't sure if it still works.




Well I found someone who said they can sew the blasted jacket/vest thing for me. They had me send some pictures of it and they said they will let me know for sure Thursday but it should be no problem.

It will be more expensive this way but I spent half the day searching for something I could mash together myself but I didn't have much luck but after a bit of searching I found a store that makes clothes and so now I am waiting to hear back from them.

But on another note I managed to get the pokedex and the pokeflute looking decent. For the pokedex I took one of the pokedex toys from the original series and did some work on it to make it look closer to the game/show (here is what it looked like before hand). For the pokeflute I took a toy recorder and added some paint and electric tape to it. I took a styrofoam ball and coated it with some sealant. Than I painted it to look like a pokeball. I than cut the recorder and than just kinda shoved it into the styrofoam ball.




The Pokedex looks boss!




It's definitely cutting it close but my jacket is finally done and I get to go pick it up after work today :)




Okay I am pretty pissed.

I finally got the total price from the seamstress and they originally told me that it would cost around $80 - $100 and I was going to go ahead and pay it but now they tell me (after it is complete) that the fabric was more expensive than they thought it would be and it is going to be $140. Right now my only options are pay or not pay. If I don;t pay I don;t get the outfit and all my work is for naught. If I do pay I am out a lot more than I thought I was going to be paying. I have the money but that is not the point. The point is I was expecting it to be $40 less than it came out to be . I will probably pay it unless the jacket looks ugly. If it looks ugly i will simply walk out and be out of luck but there is no way I am going to pay $140 if it doesn't look good,




They definitely should have informed you when they found the cost was going to be higher than what they originally quoted. Personally, I would back out on principle and never use them again. Or even if you decide to get the jacket from them, I would just avoid giving them any business in the future.




If it wasn't for the fact that the Comic Con is tomorrow I would back out on principal but I have already sunk so much time and money into this that I want to see the end result.




Oh, bummer!! I'm so sorry to hear that! That really is shoddy business on their part, they should've kept you in the loop through the whole process.

I hope it's everything that you want and more....And hopefully you can get multiple uses out of it, making it more worth it.




I've been all weekend to see the end result....

Still waiting ;)




Sorry for the delay in posting more info. I have been busy with the con. Everything seemed to go fairly well for the most part. Quite a few people asked to take pictures with me but sadly I didn't have my camera so I had to use my cellphone for pictures so I limited the amount of pictures I took so as not to drain my battery. At one point one guy asked to take my picture and after he did he handed me a card and walked off. I looked down at the card and I noticed the name on the card was the name Dylan Mayo and under occupation was listed "Game Design Manager at Pokemon USA, Inc" so I thought it was cool that he wanted to take my picture. I will try and upload more pics later but for now here are a few pictures.

Me and my niece




Hey, that's actually pretty awesome. Way to go Hylian :)




I approve.




Ah, yay! It looks so good. I'm glad it all came together in the end.




I am glad you all like it. I was kinda concerned about it but it seemed to go over fairly well so I am happy.




Nice card pull from a Pokemon exec!




I am not sure what I am going to do with the card (besides add it to my collection) but I still think it was really cool that he liked my outfit enough to take a picture.




Here is a link to some more pics of the costume.





I hope you don't drive a van, people might get the wrong idea.




Few modifications and you could be Terry Bogard! CMON CMON!




I don't think I quite have the build to pull off Terry Bogard




Being like 4ft too tall didn't stop you from being a Trainer! Cmon now, ARE YOU OK?




Wait, Terry Bogard is a Pokemon trainer?




GAH why am I just seeing this now?? /HeatherlingFAIL I would've looked for you!! ...but actually, I did miss all of Saturday sooo no, I wouldn't have seen you anyway. T^T
Your costume looks great!! Will you wear it again next year? :D




As of right now I am planning on wearing it next year but who knows I may change my mind sometime over the next year.
