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Help Me Make a Decision on a New Comic Project




I've been racking my brains to develop my next comic idea - I've recently come into possession of a great digital camera and some properly formatted comic pages. This means I can create a more professional book/ongoing webcomic. However, I've been unable to settle on one idea and just run with it, so I'm turning to you guys for some help. I want to run a few ideas by you all, and just let me know what you would be interested in reading.

Lost Legends - a non-traditional fantasy series. Invictus Mane, a con-artist mage extorting money from small towns is busted by Cyra a powerful archmage, the chief magical law enforcement agents in this world. She curses him, attaching his mask to his face until he can prove to her he has reformed. As such, he is begrudgingly forced to follow the archmage, and faces intense hardship to prove he is a changed man - or at least until he can fake it well enough. The archmage herself is a peace agent, trying to negotiate a treaty between the Mage City and the northern lands occupied by the powerful warlord Chavren the Reaver. Then there's that dang invasion that might not be from this earth...

Sweet Tin Revolution - Vex Caliente was a prominent super-criminal that nearly seized control of Atlas 3, the superstation that houses most of humanity. He is sentenced to 1,000 years of hard labor, his mind downloaded into a small worker drone robot, and his body frozen. He escapes after five years and attempts to rebuild his shattered empire. Along the way, he sees the corruption of the Atlas government, and becomes something of a hero among the populace. Vex appears willing to accept that role, even though his chief concern is getting his body back.

TOONAgents - Facing a criminal element that has evolved considerably over the years, the U.S. government seeks out indestructible spies and warriors capable of battling these threats. A brilliant scientist devises a way to give life to simple images, and old, lost cartoon characters are selected to be brought to life and trained. They are also bound to an odd natural law - toons that did not kill in their cartoons could not kill anyone, no matter the gag or stunt. They are regarded as the ultimate agents, capable of defeating and capturing any target. Guided by exasperated human handlers Luke Venters and Carly Spears, the toons - Walter Wangdoodle, aka Wacky Wally; the Eggerton Boys, twins Slick and Willy, and their giant cousin Bubba; and Lucky Lara, a World War II riveter; the TOONAgents face supervillains, massive disasters, and end-of-the-world scenarios as only a cartoon can.

Pixel - Some of you have already read Pixel, or even my other short-lived comic Cain is Able. The new Pixel goes graphic novel and consolidates all those characters while expanding the current cast.

The Actioneer - A legacy hero - second generation superhero - adopted as a baby by his fallen parents' teammates, the Actioneer has no real powers, but has a drive and caustic wit capable of facing any threat. It also doesn't help that he has a rogues gallery that could give The Tick's a run for its money in terms of weirdness.

Let me know what you like - give me some feedback!




Preview pages plz!




I could get some concept sketches together. No finished pages yet.




STR sounds like it could have a lot of life in it. Plenty to do, a sort of The Man Who Never Missed meets The Ship Who Sang with a little bit of Gil the ARM thrown in. Plenty of depth to build an entire world in which to set your characters.

But I think TOONAgents would be more successful, the same way that American Idol is more successful than The Twilight Zone.





Actually, I think you'd be a great person to write/draw "Clone". That's the one that I "concepted" (if that's a word) where the guv'ment has any number of secret agents housed in an underground bunker. These agents are cloned and the clones are used as spies & assassins. The clones can be manipulated to be of either gender and with "simple" DNA manipulation can be different heights/weights/looks. Each clone is connected to the host telepathically so the agent is always receiving a large amount of sensory feedback - sex, his/her many deaths, etc. - and have only a matter of time before they and the clones begin to go insane.

Agent 112 has started to spawn self-aware clones. They know they are clones and that they are under surveillance at all times. And they know if Agent 112 is destroyed their usefulness would be over.

But if I had to choose I'd pick Sweet Tin Revolution. I hate the toon idea and think it would come off as too much like Roger Rabbit.




I voted STR - I don't feel it's been done before, but the others feel like new clothes draped on old plots.

Which, of course, means that the others are much more likely to succeed (people are drawn to what they know and understand).




LL or STR sound best to me. But you also have to think which story you will be more comfortable writing!




Sweet Tin Rev sounds great although I would love to see more Pixel.




But if I had to choose I'd pick Sweet Tin Revolution. I hate the toon idea and think it would come off as too much like Roger Rabbit Bonkers.

As an aside, I would like to mention that all the nerds/geeks thought that Scott Pilgrim v. The World was going to be an awesome/popular/successful movie, too...but as of Oct'10 it hasn't even made back half its budget yet. A shameful truth.





Okay - I'm pretty much settled on Sweet Tin. I'll be preparing some images - updated character designs and the like - over the coming weeks.








Hey - quick question. If I create a development thread - discussing the process of making the book, etc... Would it be required to go to the art section? I'd like to do other votes on things like character designs, too. I trust this bunch of geeks on things like sci-fi, so I'd love to bounce other ideas off everyone, just to nail down some appearances and a more realized concept.




You can put it where you want. Technically it would fit better in the Art thread, but if you wanted to make sure more eyes got on it you could put it in General if you wish.




Thanks, Dave. By the way, here's Vex's design - in all his four-foot-tall glory.




I pretty much like the whole design EXCEPT the mouth. I don't like it when robots that are supposed to look technological have mouths. It makes them look to...human.




Maybe make the mouth more obviously fake? Like as if he'd drawn the smirk on with a grease pencil, or somesuch?




Eh, he's got bendy arms and legs, he can have a liquid metal mouth to seem more human-friendly in a world where robots likely outnumber humans 10:1. It would be one area where I could see the robot company spending extra money per model, while everything else on the robot is bog standard roboty components. I would like to see other robots in the comic with robot-looking mouths as well, so there's a clear delineation between this type of robot (that has a human conscious) and other robots that have robotic minds. But, of course, it's not my comic...




By the story's standards, Vex's bot body is junk. He's in a worker drone body to fulfill a 1,000 year prison sentence. It's a real uncommon and hellish existence. His mouth will be defined by the lines on the edges at the end of each. It's going to be a bit cartoony, but in a way that makes sense.
