[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

You think that's brutal? I'll show you brutal:

View attachment 22511 + View attachment 22513 + View attachment 22512

Play Rhino, play Knuckles, attack Wrathguard with Knuckles, attack hero with Rhino. Wrathguard dies, enemy hero takes 8 dmg total.


10 mana and two cards to do 8 damage isn't -that- brutal. It also requires that your opponent play the awful wrathguard. You'd be better off just running icepelt.

If you really want to punish wrathguard, you use the goon cards to discover CHARGE and then combine that with some buffs on Knuckles before running it into the wrathguard.
Well, who the heck uses Wrathguard on purpose? [emoji14]

I feel like it's one of the cards put in the game specifically to be a penalty for the RNG summons. Like cursed blade.
I didn't say it was likely, I just said it would be brutal.
Not as brutal as Shield Slam + Wrathguard, but still a way to double dip on Knuckles' ability.



Staff member
I didn't say it was likely, I just said it would be brutal.
Not as brutal as Shield Slam + Wrathguard, but still a way to double dip on Knuckles' ability.
I was thinking more if Knuckles had gotten buffed by a previous card. It gets buffed by a Shaky Zipgunner, and Knuckles is ready to clear Thaurissan and hit you in the face for 5 at the same time, while still being a 5/4 ready to smack you and your minions around the next turn.
I'm sitting on 2k gold, and I thought about doing the heroic brawl, then I realized I'd rather buy 10 Mean Streets packs than get any number of Whispers cards, since I can more or less guarantee I wouldn't get to a 1k gold level.
Seems like Fallen Hero would be nice, too. Another Mage buff. I can hear Kripp's anguished wails over the turn 6 Mage wins already.
EDIT: Ah, didn't realize it was a Priest card.

Important note about packs



After the launch of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan on the Americas server, we discovered a bug with Mean Streets of Gadgetzan card packs that unintentionally made the drop rate of tri-class cards higher than intended. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

A hotfix was rolled out to all players on the Americas server at 2:30PM PST, which corrects this issue. Players on the Americas server will now see tri-class cards appear at a drop rate that is consistent with other cards of their rarity.

Any player on the Americas server who opened Mean Streets of Gadgetzan packs before 2:30PM PST will receive additional Mean Streets of Gadgetzan packs as compensation. The affected players will receive 33% of the total amount of Gadgetzan packs opened before 2:30PM PST, rounded up, to a minimum of one, regardless if the player acquired packs through gold, Quests, or real money. Since cards are generated upon pack opening and not pack purchase, packs purchased before the hotfix but opened after the hotfix will not experience this bug and will not be a part of the compensation roll out.

For example, if a player opened their 50 pack pre-purchase bundle before 2:30PM PST, they will receive 17 additional packs. (33% of 50)
If a player opened one pack of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan cards and completed a Quest that awards two packs before 2:30PM PST, they will receive one additional pack. (33% of 3)
If a player opened 47 packs before 2:30PM PST, and 23 packs after 2:30PM PST, they will receive 16 additional packs. (33% of 47 affected packs)

This fix will also be added to the release of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan before packs are available to open in all other regions, so players will not be affected by this bug when Mean Streets of Gadgetzan goes live in their region.

We are currently working on when the compensation will be applied to affected players. We will provide additional updates as they become available.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this issue as quickly as possible
That moment when an idiot Druid blows all his burst to get you to 1hp right after you pop shadow form...

And then you play Reno.
I'm really enjoying this brawl.
I mean, sure, I get crushed, but then I get to crush someone else.
Plus I finally have a brawl that lets me clear out my quest log.

Anyone make any fun decks? I made a Dragon/Reno/Raza Shadow Priest deck, and I'm having fun with it so far. I have a few awkward cards that I might want to swap out, but it's ok right now.
Anyone make any fun decks? I made a Dragon/Reno/Raza Shadow Priest deck, and I'm having fun with it so far. I have a few awkward cards that I might want to swap out, but it's ok right now.
I made that same deck, but also with dragons
I've been watching Toast on twitch because he's been experimenting with ridiculous combos, this was a funny one from yesterday (6hr 7min if it doesn't time stamp correctly)

The sound effect for it is fantastic, though.
EDIT: Wait, he must've JUST posted that video, because I checked his channel not an hour or so previous and he hadn't added anything new.
