Halfknights anyone?

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I'm going to be playing Pendle a bit more, and thought I'd see if anyone else was up for it. I'll probably be playing on the weekdays after 8pm or so, weekends are iffy. It's summer so my play time tends to be limited.

If you see me online and need help with anything, let me know. I'm more than willing to join you.
Poppit, my DK is lvl 80 with some PVP purples right now. Sadly, In a few weeks I won't be playing any more because I will be working and going to school full time.
Only Alliance 70 + I've got is over on Sen'Jin. My raiders are all Horde on Dark Iron.

I fell out of the game around February, and decided to pick it up again for a couple months at least. Is Halfknights still truly a going concern? Is it worth it to fire a new DK up there, or bring anyone over?
nope. not really. the people in this thread are the only halfknights still active on ghostlands; and i think all of us have dropped the guild. if you want to roll up a dk just to chill with us, that's cool, but otherwise nah.
Sounds like I'm best served to keep going with Belmakor over on Dark Iron. 80 BE DK. May soon to be back in Panda Attack. We shall see.


i am still in, but not terribly active.... work and owning a new home have killed wow right now.
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