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Just when I though Hulu couldn't get any MORE awsome, they now have the original UK series' of Queer as Folk.

Keep those UK imports coming, Hulu.

I wonder if we'll eventually see Dr Who on Yon Hulu.
Hulu needs to die in a fire.

Every now and again a trailer or something awesome will appear that I want to watch but wait, no. It's on goddamn hulu.
No awesome video for your country.
:pirate: it ain't that bad... at least we can get them full HD with no dependence on how your net is doing at the time... :pirate:


Every time I hear of that show I just have to think of Michael Scott calling it "Queer as [bleeep]" on The Office and then I giggle.

But seriously. I watched about a season of the American version and loved it (but I don't get Showtime, so I couldn't watch all of it), so I might have to check this out too... [adds it to the ridiculously quickly growing list of things I have to check out]
I preferred the UK version, as well, though this definitely belongs in the short but quickly growing list of UK titles of which the US title is very good in its own right.
Dunno, the UK version feels... Right. Eh, it may be just because it's the first one I watched.

And because queer sounds british.


It's a good series, and I preferred the UK series to the US series, mainly because the UK one was filmed in my home town :heart:
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