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Feng Shui




Has anyone else played this before? It's a pen and paper RPG from Atlas games, that is basically the 80s and 90s action movie role playing game (in the vein of Big Trouble in Little China and Hong Kong kungfu movies). It's incredibly simple and loose, allowing for a lot of variety and style in each game. If there was a downside it would have to be that there's very little and poor character progression, but that also lends itself to the movie experience.

Why am I asking? Because I get to run a game this weekend. I don't have much figured out yet, but I'm thinking at least one time-traveling killer robot from the future and a big bad that's the twin of one of the players (to be revealed to everyone when it happens)




Never heard of it, but that's not surprising. I don't frequent the gaming scene like I used to. Sounds cool, though!




Never heard of it, but that's not surprising. I don't frequent the gaming scene like I used to. Sounds cool, though!
It's the ultimate pickup game system. Character building takes 30 minutes tops and there are only two kinds of enemies. Minions who have one hit point, and bosses that are the same as players.

My plan right now is to have the players have to save the Olympics.




The minion/bosses thing is directly D&D 4e. Interesting.




Resurrecting this thread like it's an ancient Chinese ghost sorcerer.

Feng Shui 2 was kickstarted a while back, and now physical books are shipping to backers (right on schedule I might add). Somehow designer Robin D. Laws managed to take an already great and simple system and make it even better, and more simple.

I've got to start "researching" for some game ideas.
