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Fadebruary - NSFW




Will post my February art challenge here.


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder

Will wait patiently here.




Everyone else was doing erotic...


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder

Holy moly that hair looks FANTASTIC



Time to complete?




20 minutes I guess.




Holy moly that hair looks FANTASTIC
Yeah, what he said.




So pretty... but her boobs are kind of small.

Really, though Fade, very nice. I like the fancy bun.



Howdy Fade! No clue if you remember me, but I did the Feb Challenge with you before way back on Sketch Tavern. When Fennewalde showed me this forum and I saw your comic had its own section, I pretty much knew instantly how Fenn had found this place, heh. Via you. So yeah - thanks for indirectly setting this February-thing up with your chaos theory machinations. Lookin' forward to the rest of the month!




looking forward to seeing more sketchtavern reunion tours.

Just like beggars canyon back home. But seriously, i don't care if you can shoot a womp rat in your T-16 back home. Just post more images!





Added at: 03:13
Get it? GET IT?






It's a league tall?
(I think that might be the only one I'm missing)

(alternate title: "Run! It's the giant robot Strom Thurman!")





i could see this image earlier and can't now for some reason. I will comment on what i remember. Nice job including multiple figures (2 army guys?) and nice perspective on the robot. I don't know the scope you were going for but you could've pushed the shapes to make it more gargantuan. Lovin all the details on the bot! (from what i can remember)(and i remember loving them)


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder

Well god damn, I do believe that judge is throwing the book at them :awesome:



I like it but dammit are you smudging the paper on purpose or are you just lazy??




It's a league tall?
Haha. The U.S. Army vs the "Imperial Measurement System" could make a neat high-concept story.

And I'm gonna go with Bumble, heh. I believe he's "throwing the book at 'em". Made me think a bit for that one - I likey.

*...err...I'm assuming "leagues" are imperial.




Wow you guys are smart. I just meant he's an actual "justice". See the powdered wig and gavel? He IS throwing the book at them, though.

I don't smudge the paper on purpose. I don't know how to draw without putting my hand on the paper.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I'd like to see a campy movie about Justice-robot. Smashing crime ONE CITY AT A TIME.




On the other hand, not a single straightedge or compass was used. All eyeballed. Er...though maybe that's obvious.



DIY version of this: http://www.smudgeguard.com/

(i used a piece of paper under my hand till I switched to 2 H pencils.






Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

When I was taught to draw comics as a little kid, the teacher always told us to have a small piece of paper under our hand, to not smudge the paper, and to always try to draw from left to right (or, if left handed, from right to left)




I'll have to try that trick. One day, I'll take an art class. I need to. Need some basics.
Added at: 15:48
Both of these were sketched in 4H, and then finished in good ol' HB (#2).




Eh, I thought this looked better until I scanned it in. Oh well, better luck tomorrow.

Added at: 02:46
20 min




Wish I could draw hair. /jealous




turned out great! stay positive man! That gradient shade on her cheek is awesome!


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I think it looks pretty good.




February 4


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Oooh! And Valentine's Day is coming!




I'll admit the needy artist in me was hoping for more feedback on that last one. I thought it was kind of cool.

Here's one for Feb. 5. It's not really a drawing, and it's a paid job, but I did make it yesterday. Hope it counts. Fondant "sculptures" of Dora the Explorer, Boots, a cake, and the Map. Edible cake toppers. Probably about 45 min - 1 hour for all three. It was one episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents.




It is cool, but honestly I've seen it done before, so it didn't really have that much of an impact. I think if you varied type sizes to approximate line weights, it would have made it much stronger.




I know we've all seen pictures made out of text before. The idea behind the picture was actually exactly the opposite: be convincing without resorting to changing the typeface much. I originally even wanted to keep it all as horizontal as possible, but I thought that damaged the readability.




Oh, I see that now, although in that case, IMO you have to take an all or nothing approach. I feel like the areas where you distorted the text kind of undermines the point, and leaves you in an in-between area that can be read as not pushing far enough.



I'll admit the needy artist in me was hoping for more feedback on that last one. I thought it was kind of cool.
as a art director I've seen alot of typographic art. Like

So my brain flipped the switch, and I found myself applying typographer's standards to it. If you redid this, and made sure the craft was polished, it might be impressive, but it didn't strike me as your other work does.




Typograpic art doesn't really do it for me, but I liked the pose on it's own. :)




Well, I appreciate the feedback. I guess I didn't consider this typography art, since I was writing it by hand, not using a computer. I considered it more "coloring in with words".

February 6: As the record label implies, I was mimicing CogNorman's style a little.




Quickly colored version:




In the land of no commas...

Who you calling chicken boy?




It's like a concept sketch for a Troma studio remake of "The Warriors."




Bleh. Missed yesterday. Here's today's:




That is awesome!

I wonder how she's going to smoke her fancy cigarette?




I love the destructive and futile natures of both smoking and vacuuming on Mars.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

That needs to be a minicomic.




that mars poster has all of the retro aspects to it. you nailed that one!




Man, the Earth and Mars got a LOT closer to each other! ;)




And the Moon got HUGE. All apologies to Dr. Plait.




And the Moon got HUGE. All apologies to Dr. Plait.




Before we could send our elite housewives, we had to deal with the local...pest...problem. Complete with Racial Slur™!



I'm EXTREMELY slow to reply to the drawing up top, haha, but know that I went bananas when I first saw it, haha. I love everything about it; it's weird, it's quirky, it's fun. Just looking at it, you can't help but think of weird and interesting stories for what could be going on in that little world. Like, the huge guy with the open mouth...is he friends with everybody there? Or what's that relationship? And does everybody just kind of live on that record player? Like...is that there whole existence, just going round and round? Haha, see? Extremely odd, but very fascinating and just looking at it and thinking about it kinda sends one's brain down very fun, surreal paths, haha. So yes, I loved it. The colours also work great with the linework too.

Random aside: Maybe this thread should have a "NSFW" label on it because of that racial slur in the last picture, heh. Because apparently the Martis have come to Earth: http://gizmodo.com/5750864/is-this-...feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+gizmodo/full+(Gizmodo
(...personally, I think the video is just some sort of subtle Cloverfield 2 marketing campaign or maybe some computer graphics students playing around with effects for fun or something like that, but YOU NEVER KNOW, heh heh-)




Haha, smoking a cigar in his space helmet. Classic!


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

He should have an american flag on his free hand!

or probably not, because this drawing is great as it is.
Added at: 15:56
(I also love the antopomorphization of Wells Martians)




He should have an american flag on his free hand!
Actually, just turn the title into a banner with him hoisting it high during the beat down.




Bleh, I'm probably going to have to semi-withdraw, like Amy. I hate to, but Feb. is probably the second worst month to hold this from my point of view (just after December). I have a final grant report due, new grant deadlines, papers to write, homeworks, tests to create and grade, etc.... All in this one month. The drawings were stress releasing at first, but not anymore. March is beautifully free, though...




Ha! As soon as I posted that I started doodling. 20 min

I have NO IDEA what it is. Also, I realized I gave her two right hands. and the fingers on the right side are weird.




And her arm is coming out of her rib. That is one freaky artichoke woman.




The arms were intentional. It started out as "sloth", because I've been secretly doing the 7 deadly sins. Lust, gluttony, avarice, and sloth so far.




Not a sketch again. This is a centerpiece for my Cub Scout den's Blue and Gold Banquet, where the kids are awarded rank badges.

There's a battery box inside the tent, and I clipped some lights and sockets out of an old christmas light set...

It's hard to see in that picture, and even harder to photograph, but there's a light in the fire, and another inside the tent. You can barely make it out, but I made some silhouettes of boys in the tent. I tried to photograph it with the lights off, but it's still hard to see:




Holy diorama, Batman!





Loving your drawings! February should never end so there will always be art here! :p



Whoa! Cool! Stuff like this (like, "non-drawing" art stuff) is always refreshing and inspiring. The only "crit" I'd have would be that it'd be cool if we couldn't see the white underlying base through the 'grass'. But critting this thing is missing the point entirely; cool job Fade. The kids'll love it (or who knows, maybe they'll just take it for granted - kids are kids after all - but still, the quality of this diorama will surely seep in to their tender minds and alter them forever for the better. So cool job. Way to warp children for the better, Fade!)
I'm assuming the trees are probably model trees from a set of some kind, but what's the grass made of?




Heatherling: Thanks for the compliments!

We had the banquet last night. The kids thought it was cool for about 5 minutes, and then couldn't care less. Until the boring speaking parts, when they proceeded to soak the paper the tent was made out of. Fortunately I was able to prevent major damage.




Trying some serial art:




If anyone is at all interested, I will be back with the rest of this story starting this weekend. All my deadlines are this week.



Hmm... so it's a story about the Invisible Man? (I'm just guessing, heh). The line "I developed like a Polaroid picture" struck me as notably poetic because it made think of people slowly coming out of a fog. But from what I gather... that might not have been a metaphor, heh - this fella here might actually be literally developing in front of our eyes.

Anyways - I meant to comment on your post in Bumble's thread (where you wrote that your approach to art-making is in 'reverse' because you developed the shading before you developed the line-making) and yeah, I guess it goes without saying that when it comes to art, there is no single "right" path, haha. Or if there is, I doubt anybody's discovered it yet. Ideally, eventually, we would all develop both line-art aptitudes and shading aptitudes, so whichever we gravitate to first likely doesn't matter, I'm assuming.

But this leads me in to another random side-thought that I might have said before (because it'something I've been thinking about lately), but that I still find interesting anyway, heh. The distinction between "painters" and "drawers". The 2 approaches are fairly different. Drawers outline everything (and the point should also be mentioned too that these "outlines" don't actually exist in reality; like, nothing on this Earth walks around with a "pencil outlines" in the same that we would draw it) whereas painters work with blocks of light and colour...which is a bit different. I'm not really well-versed enough in this kind of stuff to say much more than that, but basically what I'm leading up to is that, if you did gravitate more towards shading initially when you started drawing...you might have a bit of a painter in you, heh, because you seem to have an awareness of shades that somebody like myself for instance (I didn't even notice that all my childhood Saturday morning cartoons were shaded until I was way past cartoon age - I thought of them as simply line drawings filled with solid colour; and when I would draw them as a kid, that's how I would approach them), wouldn't have. Maybe, I dunno.

And what does this have to do with anything in your thread?! Nothing, as far as I know, heh. I just started typing and the post above is what came out, haha. Whoops. Ah well. Maybe I just wanted to work some thoughts out on things for myself and the fact that you have a thread here is just a convenient location for me to do so, haha.

Anyways! Lookin' forward to when you get back and finish this serial (if you choose to), Fade-




Pinewood Derby car, also for Cub Scouts. I racked my brain for something unique. So did my son. EVERYTHING we came up with came up in a google image search. So many people do pinewood derby, not just Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts, Explorers, schools, etc. We tried Wiimotes, band-aids, and candy bars... Finally, I decided...MJOLNIR! That should work! Couldn't find any hits for that (didn't look very hard though. So here's the Mjolnir car. I admit, I didn't have much time to work on this. I did it about 2 hours. I wish I had more time. I'd add a lot of detail.


Added at: 23:37
(Thank heaven for power tools)







Pinewood Derby car, also for Cub Scouts. I racked my brain for something unique. So did my son. EVERYTHING we came up with came up in a google image search. So many people do pinewood derby, not just Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts, Explorers, schools, etc. We tried Wiimotes, band-aids, and candy bars... Finally, I decided...MJOLNIR! That should work! Couldn't find any hits for that (didn't look very hard though. So here's the Mjolnir car. I admit, I didn't have much time to work on this. I did it about 2 hours. I wish I had more time. I'd add a lot of detail.

View attachment 1617
Added at: 23:37
(Thank heaven for power tools)
I think you meant to say "Thank Asgard". -wink-



Congratulations, Fade. You rocked this month in the greatest of ways - experimenting in all sorts of different types of media and approaches. This thread is all over the map, in the best of ways - but I gotta say my favourite of the month is clearly Day 6, haha. But they were all enjoyable. But not as enjoyable as doing this draining marathon-month in the trenches with ya (heh, I tied everything together there fairly poetically).
You're a rock, Fade. Good luck with your comic!




Thanks, CogNoman. I value your comments, and bow to you as a superior artist. It was certainly fun experimenting. That's what I always loved about the Feb. challenge. It challenges one to think outside their normal comfort range.




As a postmortem, the biggest thing I got out of this month from an art perspective was the motivation to continue Fade. I am working on pages now.
