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quandofloo said:

That sign is like a beacon drawing me in.
Until recently, when the light was on you could go in and get a free donut, hot off the line. A Krispy Kreme is pretty good, but a hot fresh Krispy Kreme is orgasmic.
Krispy Kreme was driven out of Edmonton near here by misplaced national fucking pride Canadians have with Tim Horton's. Tim Horton's donuts used to be fantastic but are now a mediocre pale imitation of what they once were.
quandofloo said:

That sign is like a bacon drawing me in.
That's how I originally read that quote and I was just thinking, "oh god, bacon Krispy Kremes... I will die young, but happy."


Oh jiminey crickets Krispy Kremes plain rock. There was one in my old response area, and when my partner and I would get that 4:30 a.m. call we would swing by there when we were done because it was just after the HOT NOW sign came on and before the rush ensued. As we watched those little golden, ring shaped, globules of joy pass on their conveyor on their way to be glazed, my partner says-
"You can just put me on that conveyor belt naked"
"Thanks man- I now have retinal burn on my inner eye."

I don't know what happens to a fresh Krispy Kreme when you bite into it. It just freaking evaporates.


/snert Shego
As an officer of the law, I am considered by many to be a true expert in the art of donut eating. I am still fucking pissed that Canadians fell for Tim Horton's pathetic advertising and avoided Krispy Kreme like the plague till they went out of business here. Tim Horton's is fucking garbage next to fresh Krispy Kremes.

God I fucking miss Krispy Kreme.
I once had a cheese cake donut. It was amazing. Never had or seen one again after that. :waah:

So now I settle for the kind with apple filling. I only have donuts like once or twice a year though.
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