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Dave's Lyrical Musings, Part 1.




This will be a series of threads with YouTube (or other medium that we can embed) songs. One of the things I've always done was to pay close attention to the lyrics of a song. It's amazing to me how many different interpretations people find. Some are very close to my own and some are wildly variant. Without looking anything up, tell us what the song/video means to you.
The first video is by a group called Bad Religion. It's called "Sorrow".

Added at: 14:44
To me this song is about how the lessening of pain and suffering are within our grasp, yet we either choose not to help with this suffering or are unable. It's almost a direct plea to a supreme being for help that may or may not ever come.




Ah! Sorrow! One of my favorite Bad Religion songs.

To me this song was about not putting your faith in a high power but inyourself and in the goodness of the people you surround yourself with. Reaching for a goal where everyone helps out their fellow man whilst ignoring their differences.

Reconciliation of the entire human race, if you will.
