[Gaming] D&D Jay's Game - She's Dead Jim

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I downloaded MapTool... I don't know what to do in it though. You said post my character-- should I post my Character Builder file?

I never got to play or sit in on the last games where we did the maptools so I'm very behind on all of it.
Take this file.
Load the campaign jaysgame in Maptools
If your Falagar icon does not immediately appear,

Maptools/File/Add Resources to Library

Add where ever you saved these two files to the Library

Find your directory and drag the falagar token into Maptools

Play around with it and fix it to your character.



Staff member
Okay, I really hate being "that guy who can't do shit himself," but I can't even begin to figure out all the code for the macros and things. I was able to change my stats and such, though most were alread calculated for me.

Is anyone able to take my file and work their magic on it? I imagine that would take an ass-load of time, however. I'd do it myself, but I literally CANNOT figure out a single damn thing while looking at Higgie's codes.



Staff member
I recall that I was going to retroactively buy things, and I can't help but notice that the cannith goggles I have are lvl 11 Paragon tier, worth 9000. Can I sell this for 4500? :p

I assume not, as I think they were level 4 or something before.

Also, what was the ruling on rituals? I'd love to use the ones I have, but they're just too expensive to be worth it.

It seems I will retroactively buy a Magic Tome +2, taking my Attack Bonus to +10 and my damage to +7. Then I'll sell the Gauntlets of Blood for 420 because I never use the thing and no-one else wants it.
So yeah, who told people the game was tonight? lol

Honestly guys, I'm not anywhere ready to start the game and quite frankly not feeling inspired.... *clears throat and point to RP thread*


Staff member
You did, you douche-monkey!

You said the (tentative) date was Sept. 1st. Then when we said "September 1st? This Thursday?" you did not deny it at all. You silly man.


Staff member
I would RP if I remembered what the crap was happening. I wasn't even there for the last game and all I remember is being lost in snow.


I'm supposed to be writing a summary, but as my computer crashed, i lost the summary, and had to rewrite it, from memory, since i lost all the recordings. what i remember is, we woke up, Falagar was holding a hammer. Rathkor was alive. Tyrdin was naked. We got a few side quests. one was to find a necklace or something. one was to meet with one of Jay's other characters from another game, a priest or something. I think we made it to him, and were attacked by wolves. Jay, can you refresh us on anything major i missed or got wrong?

RPing would be a lot easier, more organic and natural if it came about from play, not trying to shoehorn it in before we start again, just saying. It seems general consensus is that too much time has passed and we need a chance to reacquaint with our characters and the story before we can RP well.
Especially since our characters forgot everything big that happened two them over our last 2 months or so of gameplay.

So we've got a 4 month hiatus preceded by 2 months of character memory loss. It's gonna hard as hell to RP anything from 6+ months ago.
To be blunt, this could have all been avoided with weekly summaries as I've asked repeatedly to death. And to be frank, I don't feel like putting in all that effort to get players to remember the campaign's plot when no such effort was required as players contributed tremendusly to previous games. In a way, it's a bit insulting to me. Take a step back and think about Shawn's game.

Especially after the level of effort I put in with genuine fresh DM content coming from no other sources, with focused storylines that were provided for every character that were merged into the main storyline and even a campaign video to inspire interest in the game.

I try to look at this any other way, shit, the players can't even be bothered remember your game's plot you put so much time into and couldn't be bothered to put in summaries or personal roleplay but can manage several pages for a game that runs once a month.


It's a lot of work and it doesn't inspire me at all.


Staff member
To be fair, Jay, your plots were intricate and thus required a lot of hard thinking on our parts to get from point A to point B.

I didn't even know our characters suffered from memory loss--- how/why did that happen?


Just a fabrication of the HPOD, once we were freed from it, after giving the Rod of Folly to the devil, we returned to the real world with no recollection. I pretty much remember everything except for the last session, where we got the side quests and stuff. I never got around to listenening to the recording, so its all based on what actually happened 3-4 months ago. Cut me some slack. It's one session and it was a while ago. I appologize for my computer issues, but I have no control over that. I should have saved the recordings and summaries on a flash drive, but hindsight is 20/20.
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