[Food] Chocolate

Are you a fan of chocolate? If yes, what's your favourite brands and what's your favourite chocolate? Mine would be: Lindt and Leonidas, and some other German brands. I can't remember them. And my favourite chocolate is chocolate stuffed with White chocolate. I love White chocolate.


Staff member
White chocolate is not chocolate, but I like some types.

Dark chocolate with almond is my favorite. Lindt is a great brand. No soy lecithin.
Lindt and Ghirardelli. Dark chocolate with caramel and sea salt.
Also, this time of year I like Cadbury mini eggs. They go great with coffee.
I love chocolate. Milk chocolate to be precise. Can't stand dark chocolate, My favorite brand is Marabou (with hazel nuts) but you can't buy that in the US in regular stores. So usually I settle for Lindt, which is close enough.