Anyone wanna get an MMO group going?

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Yes, any MMO. I don't really care what game, I just wanna see what you people toss out and what you might be interested in playing, if anything.

There's been a lot of talk about MMOs on here recently and it's starting to get to me.

In my past MMO experiences, I always solo'd or played pick-up groups, 'cause I never really belonged to any guilds or anything. I figure if we were to start a Halforum group in a game, you know, with us :quote: friends :quote: playing, we might be able to enjoy ourselves.

There was talk about FFXI (torture, but maybe fun with a group?), Dungeons and Dragons Online (boring, but free), Everquest (grind fest?), and some others.

Kinda gonna say no to WoW, and I'm definitely bored with City of Heroes/Villains.

Anyone wanna pitch ideas for a group?

I don't expect this to go anywhere, but fuck it- it's 8 in the morn and I've got nothin' better to do.


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If there was a steady group...sure. THough I will say no to wow, most people hacve their own guilds, etc there. Or the halfknights, or whatever was going there.

DDO might be interesting because we can all try since its free.
The only two MMORPGs that I'm "looking" at but not overly excited about are the new Star Trek and Star Wars MMORPGs.

There's not a whole lot of neat MMORPGs out there, most have gone towards the shitty JMMORPG route of grinding and boringness.
WoW is just a bad idea. It was attempted already, with a bit of wasted time. The game's been out for so long that people have pretty much gotten attached to their servers and factions.


I'd be interested in DDO as well... College will start around the same time the free release will happen, so I am not sure if I'll be busy or not.


Staff member
Shegokigo said:
Aion might be a good choice, it's really shaping up to be a solid MMO.
Huh. It actually looks pretty kickass.

I will definitely watch it. I feel like I already have enough time-wasting addictions that I probably don't need another. We'll see!


Shegokigo said:
Aion might be a good choice, it's really shaping up to be a solid MMO.
"The game will allow a player to dye their equipment (or displayed armor) and "equip" the skin of a weapon or armor they find visually appealing, while benefiting from the actual stats of a different weapon or armor (via an NPC). However, players can't use items they can't equip, even as skins. A Spiritmaster, for instance, can't "equip" the skin of a plate chestpiece, as Spiritmasters can't wear plate. You also can't use the skin of a pair of leather gloves while benefiting from the stats of cloth, mail or plate gloves.

This adds another layer of customization (as it allow players to control the look of their avatar without sacrificing the better stats of an item that they find visually unappealing"

Good enough for me.
I went back to CoX-Europe a week ago, will probably play for a while. Wouldn't mind getting something going with Champions Online once they get a trial out.
Denbrought said:
I went back to CoX-Europe a week ago, will probably play for a while. Wouldn't mind getting something going with Champions Online once they get a trial out.
The first day of open Beta is a bust. No one can patch to the latest version, Fileplanet promised to allow non-members to apply for Beta keys after a set time and then took it back, as well as putting the wrong version of the game up for download. In short, NO ONE is playing unless they got very lucky right now. As it is, I got 100 megs into the update (it took 2 hours to get that far as well) before my updater lost connection to the server and I lost all my progress.

It is without a doubt the worst open beta experience I've ever had.
kevin91 said:
I'd be interested in DDO as well... College will start around the same time the free release will happen, so I am not sure if I'll be busy or not.

I'm on Argonnessen on DDO. Johans Burrakas, level 3 wizard

AshburnerX said:
It is without a doubt the worst open beta experience I've ever had.
Thanks for confirming my decision to try it out once more on the last day of closed beta instead.
AshburnerX said:
Denbrought said:
I went back to CoX-Europe a week ago, will probably play for a while. Wouldn't mind getting something going with Champions Online once they get a trial out.
The first day of open Beta is a bust. No one can patch to the latest version, Fileplanet promised to allow non-members to apply for Beta keys after a set time and then took it back, as well as putting the wrong version of the game up for download. In short, NO ONE is playing unless they got very lucky right now. As it is, I got 100 megs into the update (it took 2 hours to get that far as well) before my updater lost connection to the server and I lost all my progress.

It is without a doubt the worst open beta experience I've ever had.
I was having problems earlier today for a half an hour or so but I was just in for long enough to complete the tutorial before I logged off and had no problems otherwise. Would have played much more tonight but that life thing is getting in the way.

If we were to start a group I'd prefer Champions myself or Aion as it does look promising.
Koko said:
Shegokigo said:
Aion might be a good choice, it's really shaping up to be a solid MMO.
"The game will allow a player to dye their equipment (or displayed armor) and "equip" the skin of a weapon or armor they find visually appealing, while benefiting from the actual stats of a different weapon or armor (via an NPC). However, players can't use items they can't equip, even as skins. A Spiritmaster, for instance, can't "equip" the skin of a plate chestpiece, as Spiritmasters can't wear plate. You also can't use the skin of a pair of leather gloves while benefiting from the stats of cloth, mail or plate gloves.

This adds another layer of customization (as it allow players to control the look of their avatar without sacrificing the better stats of an item that they find visually unappealing"

Good enough for me.
See, that I can get on board with. I'm tired of my WoW characters looking like circus clowns. My druid looks like dookie. I've kept her vest longer than it was useful because it looked awsome on her, and it wasn't even close to an epic item.

Especially with the stuff that came out in Northrend. I understand they were doing a viking theme, but did everything have to look so brown and bland?
How about a free yet very deep and well respected MMO? :p

Ultima Online gets my vote ;). You can play on any of hundreds of free servers and can build huge player/guild towns, design your own houses, etc. Fun part is you can be a thief (a REAL thief, not the pathetic excuse of a rogue in most MMOs) and a murderer so if someone pisses you off, you can whack them or empty their pockets :unibrow: . No MMO has ever come close to me in terms of depth and longevity. The game allows you to be incredibly creative.

Most fun I had, was dropping cupcakes I baked around the Bank of Brittain. Lots of people there who happily ate them. Except I had laced them with deadly poison :twisted: . At least a dozen people died, letting me loot their corpses while hidden from sight. WoW, eat your heart out.
I played a murderer on a free server a while back, used the name "Willy Wonka" and everytime I killed someone, I'd loot them dry leaving only baked Chocolate Cakes and a small book with the inscription "Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket".
Angel Island was one of the best. Old world only, tons of PVP, no "dontation" items etc.

Not sure if it's still around though, it did have a small player base unfortunately. Only the donation servers seem to have the larger amount of players.
Haha - see, creative ;).

A thief and jerk called Hax was once annoying me a great deal (he kept trying to sneak into my house). To get him back, I tamed loads of animals (yes, you can tame *any* animal in the game if you have the skill), so after a few hours, there were hundreds of cows, deers, dogs, cats, birds, pigs, sheep, bulls, etc. running around with names such as "Hax sexually mollested me" and "Hax touched me down there" and "Hax paid me for sexual favours". :rofl: Man, the global chat was filled with laughter for days to come and Hax was killed dozens of times while he was trying to kill the animals (only then new ones respawn without those names ;) ). Aaah good times.

Or how about a thief who keeps walking through moongates in the hope you lead them to your home? I had marked a tiny island somewhere in the middle of the ocean so I sent a moongate there, stepped through and then killed him, leaving his ghost on that island with no way to get resurrected :rofl:
Depending on what you look for in MMOs, it can be either a disappointment or the best MMO you'll have ever played. It's not quest oriented, for example. Instead, it's more ideal for people who enjoy to roleplay. You got tons and tons of dungeons and several huge worlds to explore. You can do a LOT of things. Found a treasure map? Sail across the world and then dig it up! You can even fish up sunken treasures. Or how about being a tailor and designing your own outfit? You can craft practically everything you want - loads and loads of furniture, tools, weapons, armour, clothes, spells, etc. You can even grow plants. Put dirt in a bowl, plant seed, water it, get rid of fungus and other diseases, then cross pollinate and create new breeds of plants and new colours. Some special breeds give special seeds which can be used for cool stuff too. Anyway, there's so much freedom and if you're tired of fighting, you can do something else. The fighting is loads of fun too and very dynamic. You can combine loads of skills to get the better of your opponent.


Staff member
Well if I don't enjoy it, I know someone who will. He likes to play games to fuck with people, and if there's a game where you can lace goddamn cupcakes with poison, he will be all on that shit.
Once killed my brother, by trapping a lockbox with the "tinkering" skill. The box had a "trip" that if armed, it would explode and instantly kill the opener.

So one day we were organizing the Murder House and I asked him to pass me some metal ingots from a certain box in one of the backrooms. Needless to say, about 30seconds later, you hear a "uwwaaahhhh!" and his body falls over dead. Not even a minute goes by when my phone rings (irl) and he's on the other line, laughing so hard he can barely breathe. I nearly passed out from laughter.


Staff member
I was looking into it, and I saw something about a 14-day free trial.

Can the game be played completely free, or do you need to pay at some point for anything?
It's a pay-per-month kind of thing, but the official game itself is trash. It has been for a long time. (Well that's my personal opinion stemmed from how much they gutted what the game used to be and tried to make it WoW like every other MMO out there)

You're better off with a good solid "free" player run server.
The Old Republic is the only MMO that i'm planning to play.

It's still a while away but i'm just going to stick with non-mmos until that one hits and then I will allow the Star Wars Universe to absorb me :D
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