Amnesia: The Dark Descent

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So this game does creep me out.

I think it's mostly because I don't have a gun, or any way to defend myself. I literally have to cower in a corner and hope my face isnt torn off. A lot of horror games never managed to really get to me because I could blow the brains out of anything that got in my way. The original Dead Space ALMOST got there, but as long as I had a corner and enough ammo (or saw blades, lawl), I could weather the storm. But there are instances where I pause Amnesia, got a coke and just stop playing, because I get too absorbed and I get too nervous to play.
I've had this game for a few months now, but haven't had the time to play it. Cowering in corners? Scary monsters? Terrifying twists? This sounds awesome. Keep in mind that I'm a huge fan of Asian horror movies (k-horror being my favorite) and I'm not easily frightened. Seriously, the last movie that scared me was House on Haunted Hill and I was 14. I'm definitely giving Amnesia a go now! :D
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