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Amazing snack/junk food you miss



Frankie Williamson

Do you remember O'Ryan's chips?

Hostess' brand of rippled sour cream and onion and sour cream and bacon chips that existed until Lays complete takeover of Hostess and the phasing out of the Hostess brands for the similar (BUT VASTLY INFERIOR) Lays brands like Ruffles.

Ruffles are shit compared to the once great ultimately crunchy O'Ryan's. I was pondering today how a sack of O'Ryan's got me through the chicken pox. My throat was so itchy from the sores lining it that I was swallowing huge chunks of the immensely thick chips to scratch it. Good times.

You are the snack food I miss the most.

That little picture is all I could find.




Mmmmmmmaybe. I may be a touch too young.




I remember them, they were not that big in my area, mostly because we had a fantastic local cheezee maker that dominated the snack foods.

Little research shows that the North American brand got absorbed by Hostess-Frito Lays and discontinued, but the foreign rights eventually passed to ETA. ETA still makes them, but they have been rebranded as Spuds Thick Cut.
Added at: 00:07
Mmmmmmmaybe. I may be a touch too young.
You would have been a toddler when they disappeared.



Frankie Williamson


Yeah, that's the only cheezee I'd touch. It actually makes me mad when I see Canadians eating Cheetos.





Yeah, that's the only cheezee I'd touch. It actually makes me mad when I see Canadians eating Cheetos.
Damn Right! Made with actual cheese they are! I got goose bumps last year when they finally made it out east.



Frankie Williamson

I am absolutely buying a sack on the way home tonight.




Nothing more awesome than Arnie, Ginger Spice and a bag of Cheezies!




Damn you all... I'm not even Canadian... why am I in here?

And now I have a bag of Cheetos, which is apparently an inferior product... :(




Damn you all... I'm not even Canadian... why am I in here?

And now I have a bag of Cheetos, which is apparently an inferior product... :(
Cheetos are to Cheezies as Beef Jerky is to a porterhouse steak.




Dammit... now I want steak....

Stupid marijuana possession arrest... now I've got the CRAZY munchies...



Frankie Williamson

My dad used to play in a folk band. One of their songs was about working different jobs in their hometown of Belleville, Ontario. During the chorus they mention the orange hands of a Hawkins factory worker.
Added at: 18:17
I don't know how to, if I even can, edit thread titles. This thread should now be about awesome snackfoods.




My dad used to play in a folk band. One of their songs was about working different jobs in their hometown of Belleville, Ontario. During the chorus they mention the orange hands of a Hawkins factory worker.
Added at: 18:17
I don't know how to, if I even can, edit thread titles. This thread should now be about awesome snackfoods.
What was the band called?


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

I don't know how to, if I even can, edit thread titles. This thread should now be about awesome snackfoods.
At the top of the thread, right above the first post on the far right, there is a little drop down menu called "Thread Tools". When it drops down, the only option is "Edit Thread". Click that to edit the title.







So...does it work?




My friend and I use to love Josta:




They're more recent but I'm still bitter that these were discontinued.



Frankie Williamson

On the topic of soda.

I haven't seen this in years.

Also, these I miss with all my heart:

Added at: 02:36
What was the band called?
I'll have to ask my dad. I don't remember.




I'll just leave this here:




On the topic of soda.

I haven't seen this in years.

Also, these I miss with all my heart:

Added at: 02:36

I'll have to ask my dad. I don't remember.
both still in production in the usa, the first is actually a drpepper/7up product.




I miss the Pop Shoppe experience most, but I still have cravings for spruce beer, both hard and soft.



Frankie Williamson

When Jolt went under in 2009, we stopped seeing it here.




I'd suck a dick for a Jolt Cola.




I remember little hard candies with sesame seeds inside them. I've seen them elsewhere, and nothing seems to compare to the ones I ate as a kid.

I don't know if I miss them because they're gone, or because I've changed.





Cookies 'n Cream Nesquik

Poptart Crunch

Oreal Cereal

Waffle Crisp Cereal




I'd suck a dick for a Jolt Cola.
That sounds like a personal problem.




There was a "backwards" 7Up drink called DNL out there for a while. I really enjoyed it and sometimes wish I could drink one. Realistically, though, I haven't been able to finish a soda in 2 years, so I'd probably just have a sip. But I bet it'd be a good sip. It's hard to get nostalgic about junk food when it was never in the house, but I'm sure there is something else... I'll think some more.




Used to love this cereal as a kid



Black cow candy. At least I think that was what they were called. I loved those.




And yes, I know it's still readily available in the UK. Doesn't mean that I don't miss the HELL out of it...



Frankie Williamson

ETA still makes them, but they have been rebranded as Spuds Thick Cut.
Ok, I've been scouring Google to find a way to import these and nada.

Can anyone help a brother out?




Hell... write the company a letter and see if they'll bite.

The worst? You get no chips.

The best? The sky's the limit, my Crimson-Coated Comrade




I remember there used to be a soda with guarana flavour. It tasted wonderful to me, and gave a nice jolt of energy. I miss that...

Also, I've noticed how bloody difficult it is to get a milkshake nowadays. The ice cream stands used to have them, but now they have things like coffee or hot chocolate topped off with ice cream, or sundaes or whatnot. But not your every-day, delicious milkshake. It took me about two hours to find a place that serves milkshakes on a hot day.




That sucks... there's a veritable PLETHORA of them here... about five places I can think of off the top of my head do it properly old school-style, too...


Wasabi Poptart

Back in the early 90's Mistic had a wildberry soda that I loved. Of course it was discontinued. I can't even find a picture of it. Also, Snapple strawberry tea.




Hansson's (No, not Hansen's) Black Cherry Soda. Goddamn that shit was delicious. Picked it up once on a whim, never found it again.




Goddamn kids with their goddamn pouches. They don't know how good they've got it.






(The Oranges are only sold here during Christmas)




About the Terry's orange chocolate: do you have any local ethnic groceries around? Mine has these all the time. Couldn't hurt to check, if you're ever jonesin'.



Frankie Williamson

More than Crystal Pepsi, I miss this.







1: Hawkins cheesies are the bomb-diggity

2:Holy shit, how'd I forget about Sm'ores bars? Those were so good. I used to microwave 'em just for 10seconds, let them get nice and gooey...

3: I don't understand any of this reminiscing about Jolt cola. It's AWFUL. Or do you just miss the old Jolt Cola (I never tried Jolt until two years ago, so I don't know) that didn't taste more or less like an orangutan drank a bottle of Mountain Dew and then peed it back out?

4: Crispy M&Ms. I heard they were supposed to come back this year but I haven't seen it happen.

5: On the subject of chips, I just want to make sure Miss Vickies and Old Dutch both get props here. They are definitely still around, but so are Hawkins so I figure I'm allowed to mention 'em.
Added at: 05:52

(The Oranges are only sold here during Christmas)
Crystal Pepsi... I wonder if it would still tast as good as I remember it, now that I've made the switch to Coke?

Terry'c Chocolate Oranges are sold here year round, in a few of flavours (milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and there's one that's either rasberry or cherry... I forget. Around Christmas there's white chocolate ones though ("snowballs" that mysteriously look exactly like oranges)




Crystal Pepsi... I wonder if it would still tast as good as I remember it, now that I've made the switch to Coke?
Well, I've heard there's an imitator that tastes just like Crystal Pepsi. It's called Not See Kola. Just be careful where you drink it.




Max 5 bars. Goddamn I miss those.




They were bought out by McDonalds only to be shutdown.

Damn you America!




Ok, I got one.

When i was young I used to drink these all the time. Apparently they aren't what they used to be.




I used to love New York Seltzer. I think the cream soda and root beer were my favorite, but there might have been an orange cream I loved as well.




I can find terry's chocolate orange at a whole-foods-ish store here in town, a world market, and a CVS year round... but I only eat them at Christmas.





They still sell these, but they're not the same recipe as when I was a kid, especially the coconut versions. It's not just nostalgia either, I remember when they made the change and I was so disappointed.




Home Delivered Potato Chips. And DAMN they were good.




I remember there used to be a soda with guarana flavour. It tasted wonderful to me, and gave a nice jolt of energy. I miss that...
That was Josta.

Quisp cereal has been back in production for quite a few years and can be found at many supermarkets in the Midwest USA.

Sun Drop is gaining in popularity, and it is a pretty close approximation of Surge.

I also miss the Take 5 (5 Max in Canada) bars. They were one of the most proteinaceous for a candy bar.

What do I miss? Here's a partial list:
-Buc-Wheats cereal
-Choco-lite bars (The modern Aero just doesn't taste the same to me)
-Marathon Candy bar (I could eat one fast, no matter what the commercials said)
-Orbitz fruit drinks (chewy!)
-Arch Deluxe (Yeah, it's just a burger with added black pepper, but I loved the soft bun)
-Raisins, Rice, and Rye cereal
-Snyder's of Hanover Hamburger chips (They actually tasted just like hamburger)
-Combos Egg McMuffin pretzel snacks (Frighteningly enough, they tasted exactly like an Egg McMuffin)
-Trix cereal (when it still looked like multicolored Kix instead of fruit shapes. Berry Berry Kix isn't the same)
-Ocean Spray Cran-Blueberry juice (sweet, tart, juicy, and just the thing to refresh)
-151 bars (contained 151 ingredients, looked like baked dog puke, tasted fantastic)
-Bar None (taming the chocolate beastie)
-Häagen Dazs Deep Chocolate ice cream (or Ben & Jerry's Deep Dark Chocolate as a close second)

Kati would like to add that she misses Purplesaurus Rex Kool-Aid.





-Arch Deluxe (Yeah, it's just a burger with added black pepper, but I loved the soft bun)
Yes, that potato-flour bun was pretty good.




We had so many fruit snacks when I was in grade school. I also remember the jet fighter variety.




IronBrig, you can't see it, but I am delivering Respect Knuckles like the Fist of the North Star over here...


Bumble the Boy Wonder

Bumble the Boy Wonder







Probably in the minority here.




Probably in the minority here.
Oooh, yeah I remember that stuff!


Joe Johnson

The thirst crusher!


Wasabi Poptart

I also miss the Take 5 (5 Max in Canada) bars. They were one of the most proteinaceous for a candy bar.
You mean these?

I see them in plenty of places. Even snack-sized ones at Halloween.




Oh, NOW I remember Max5 bars! Those were delicious!




**Rondo snip**

The thirst crusher!
That was one of those weird here today gone tomorrow products. But my Aunt lived in San Antonio and for some reason the product stayed on the shelves for a couple of more years there. She would bring me a case of those each summer when she would come and visit.

For you Mike Judge Fans, that is the product that he was parodying with Brawndo the Thirst Mutilator.



Frankie Williamson

Edmonton, Alberta area Canadians, do you remember Happy Pop?

They disappeared around the early 90s. I remember they came in about 200 different flavours in 750 ml glass bottles. And cheap. Holy shit, they were like 50 cents a bottle.




That looks awesome... I would drink that...




Sounds like the Canadian version of Towne Club.





Oh man, Mike's obsessed with chocolate oranges and we can never find them in grocery stores. The places that always carry them though are JoAnns and Hancock Fabrics WTF?! Every once a while we'll find them at Trader Joe's too.

While these aren't discontinued, they're also hard to find... Bugles! <3 Love, love, love them.




Used to love this cereal as a kid
Patrick beat me to it, but I saw Quisp cereal at Target down the street from my apartment last weekend. Maybe we could work something out and I could ship you a couple of boxes




I found that soda! Turns out that it IS Hansen's, but I could never find it because:
A. I remembered the name wrong
B. Image searches under Hansen's soda never turned up anything, but that's because it was from their Signature line.
The package design is distinct, and never shows up when the search terms are limited to "Hansen's soda"
C. It also never showed up on the Hansen's website.

I have now learned it never showed up on their website because the line got discontinued sometime after 2006. Fuuuuck.


Chad Sexington

Chad Sexington

I found that soda! Turns out that it IS Hansen's, but I could never find it because:
A. I remembered the name wrong
B. Image searches under Hansen's soda never turned up anything, but that's because it was from their Signature line.
The package design is distinct, and never shows up when the search terms are limited to "Hansen's soda"
C. It also never showed up on the Hansen's website.

I have now learned it never showed up on their website because the line got discontinued sometime after 2006. Fuuuuck.
Soooo what's the name of the soda?




Hansen's Signature Black Cherry Soda



Frankie Williamson

What was the band called?
The Frere Brothers, though apparently he just used to jam with them hella long time ago and wasn't an actual part of the group.




These are no longer made, and were replaced with the much inferior Pretzel m&m's. I absolutely loved the crispy ones though.

Also, these: http://www.orau.org/ptp/collection/atomictoys/chocolate.htm

Basically a Crunch bar with pop rocks, but for the brief period they were sold when I was in 4th grade, I was crazy for them. I gotta wonder though... why don't the groups that were against it also go after Warheads?




We still have those M&M's here in Germany.They rock :D




Ok, I got one.

When i was young I used to drink these all the time. Apparently they aren't what they used to be.
This. Concord Grape.

About 10 years ago I came across a stash being sold at Big Lots. They were 20 oz plastic bottles (not the 10 oz glass ones I remember) & only had Cream Soda & Raspberry. Didn't keep me from buying a metric ton of the stuff tho.




Glad to know I'm not the only one that had the NY Seltzers! We used to buy them at the local roller rink when I was still a middle schooler. Ah, nostalgia!




I miss passion fruit Gatorade. It was sold here for a couple of months and then it dissapeared.




Jay, my wife is always talking about Gatorade gum, too.

For me it's Charm's Sweet and Sour pops. I found them in a huge candy store, but they were 50¢ each, and looked liked they'd been sat on.

Also, Twiglets. I know. They're everywhere in the UK. But not here. I have any friends that live over there or visit pick up some for me when they go.

