Recent content by benny baloney pi

  1. B

    Is the WoW Alliance stupid or something?

    All I'm saying is that FD works too much in WG when it shouldn't work at all.:durr: At least on my server (Eitrigg). But hey, I'm not complaining! :whistle: Still, I should get an Oscar based just on how often my acting works. :rcain: -- Tue May 26, 2009 2:50 pm -- Yeah, we got proof...
  2. B

    Is the WoW Alliance stupid or something?

    Like I said, if these were very new Allys - level 10 or below - then I'd understand that they might not have heard of the hunter FD. But after 79-80 levels, hunter FD should be old news to them - even if they're 12 year olds. And hey, don't dismiss their skills too quickly just because they're...
  3. B

    Is the WoW Alliance stupid or something?

    Okay, is the Alliance on WoW stupid or something, or is it only on my server? In Wintergrasp, my hunter is able to pull Feign Death successfully - not JUST on the Ally NPCs and the hunter/warlock pets, but on the Ally PvPers themselves! This shouldn't work on them at all! Yeah, yeah, you...
  4. B

    >___< "In a Woman's World"

    Right now the Democrats are making a big stink over Rush Limbaugh. Does that faze him? Hell no. In fact, he's saying "Bring it on!" because he knows that the attention will only benefit him. Same thing with this show. You don't like it, don't watch it and let it die on the vine. I agree...
  5. B

    How do I make my @#^$% Tauren faster??

    Yep, I'm mere months into the game, and it's been only in the last couple of months that I finally began to understand some of the complexities of playing the game. Once it started sinking in, then my hunter began leveling a lot faster. Had I been able to get QH working right off the bat, I...
  6. B

    How do I make my @#^$% Tauren faster??

    I got QH literally about 2 days ago after trying to get the damned thing to work for weeks. Fortunately, one of the forumites gave the instructions that finally got it working, and for which I am grateful. Even with QH, it still won't make the Tauren any faster. What was that about enchanting...
  7. B

    How do I make my @#^$% Tauren faster??

    I created a Tauren druid and right now it's at lvl 5. My question is, is there a way to make it faster? An enchantment or potion or something? I'm so used to the speed of my blood elf hunter that the poor Tauren is positively plodding by comparison! I want to level some more with it, but the...
  8. B

    HalfKnights questions

    Some quick (and possibly dumb) questions: Is this a Horde or Ally guild? I have a lvl 14 dwarf I could move over. Also, is it a PvP or PvE server? If this has been discussed previously, I apologize. It just occurred to me that I haven't created my DK yet, so if this is a Horde guild, I could...