[Music] Hey I just met u, and this is crazy...

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Staff member
this song will be surpassed by the nerd rendition, "Can I call you maybe for like a week and you don't pick up so I'll go online and complain about how girls suck?"


this song will be surpassed by the nerd rendition, "Can I call you maybe for like a week and you don't pick up so I'll go online and complain about how girls suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu- *drop*
Make it so, lt. Juskrill.


Staff member
this song will be surpassed by the nerd rendition, "Can I call you maybe for like a week and you don't pick up so I'll go online and complain about how girls suck?"
Did I tell you, Ser, about the little article in Rolling Stone about Skrillex and his bass dropping? I'll have to scan it and post it, I think.
I....agree with GasBandit? *cough*hack*cough* Not because the song's inane (it's catchy and crappy and has "summer hit" written all over it, it annoys me already but what are you going to do?), but because the lip synching's so crappy. Really.
Popular music sells well. This shouldn't be a big shock. And while I can see how some people might not like it, I think cursing all of humanity because people bought the song is a bit much.
Popular music sells well. This shouldn't be a big shock. And while I can see how some people might not like it, I think cursing all of humanity because people bought the song is a bit much.
It just wouldn't be the internet if it weren't reactionary and hyperbolic.
Popular music sells well. This shouldn't be a big shock. And while I can see how some people might not like it, I think cursing all of humanity because people bought the song is a bit much.
Haha yeah, exaggeration is dumb and I should feel bad for making a joking, off-handed comment

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