Favourite Halforumites

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I think the thread will be fine as long as people don't make a point of who is not on their list. I mean I am pretty sure I know whose list I'd be on anyway. No surprises really.
Bitches you callin me fat?

Though honestly, how could I ever prove anything about any part of my "fake personality" without getting into serious trouble? I mean it's a lose/lose situation anyway.


why not zoidberg?

But I demand public acknowledgement!

But that's fine, that's fine. I've got my pile of likes to keep me warm. And doubtless, a soon to be pile of dislikes made in spite.
I like Poe. Wanna, uh, hang out later? :unibrow:

Jay, Dave, Hun, Shegs, G-bandit, Tin, Adamon, Juski, darkaudit, fade, darkangel, and little sin.

I have a list of people I can't stand too! Marake, sera, amy(chrone), charlie, that yoshiwahazawhs... whatever the fuck his name is, and of course the ever lovable Tiq.

I'm taking this thread to the place it deserves to go, STRAIGHT TO HELL!
Dude, I list you and you don't list me! What happened the forum bro code!? Friendship: OVER!

Also, show of hands. Who's not surprised that Mathias is the one to list his least favourites?
Hey guys remember that one thread I had to lock, called "My Favourite Halforumites" or something?


Just me?

*goes to check hall of shame*

Oh yeah it was "I love the following people".


Shego, Dave, Juski, Espy (fuck you guys who didn't mention our smoking baby), Ame, NR, Quotemander, CG, Sin (both), Steinman, Frank, OC, DocSev (for being such a good sport), Hun, Null (for being so mean), Tin, GB, SJ, and definitely that Scott Kurtz guy!
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