[Question] What series do you want to die?

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Weird. Megaman. This series should have stopped a looooooooooong time ago. I mean come on, ZX? Now your just tryin' to hard.
Actually, the fans DO want a definite ending for the original and X series, if only because it would put an end to the timeline and story speculation. The Zero series ended fine and leads into ZX. ZX clearly leads into Legends. But what we don't know is what happened to the original Megaman (we know that both Dr. Light and Wily died, but lived on as AI) and we haven't seen the end of the Maverick War.
Final Fantasy.

I mean...how many sequals can you make to something that's "Final"
The whole name is just some in-joke that stopped being funny years ago. Now its just an ironic name that every web-comic has made fun of.

Now, with Megaman X Light destroyed all original forms of Megman before hand right? So...did Light kill the original Megaman?
It was called Final Fantasy because Squaresoft was about to go under and the creators assumed the NES title was the last they'd make. Instead it became a huge success and they just kept using the title.

Also don't hold your breath on a new Mega Man. Capcom seems more content to troll the shit out of people instead of giving them a new title.

"Help us make Mega Man Legends!"
"Okay! Here's a shitload of input!"
"Fuck you that's not enough! CANCELLED"

"Fine you want Mega Man? HERE'S MEGA MAN"
(spoilers for a fighting game, if that matters)
It was called Final Fantasy because Squaresoft was about to go under and the creators assumed the NES title was the last they'd make. Instead it became a huge success and they just kept using the title.
Indeed! Kinda like how DragonQuest still uses the name DragonQuest even though the quests in said games doesn't necessarily pertain to dragons.
A lot of hardcore Fallout fanboys seem to hate Fallout 3 actually. They claim the writing is subpar with the rest of the series, but as far as I can tell they just missed having the NCR in it.
I remember one old-school Fallout fan say Fallout 3 is more of an Elder Scrolls game, while New Vegas is more of a Fallout game.
I remember one old-school Fallout fan say Fallout 3 is more of an Elder Scrolls game, while New Vegas is more of a Fallout game.
Played through both, they feel pretty much exactly the same to me.
Never played through an Elder Scrolls game though. Tried Oblivion and did not enjoy it one bit.


Staff member
Huh. I played Fallout 1 and loved it way back in like 98. Never played 2, but I thought 3 was awesome. In fact, at first, I thought it was just a remake of 1!


Staff member
Yeah, in the 1st 10 minutes, with vague rememberences of a game that I played a decade earlier. I remember being rolling a vault-dweller who had to go out of the vault for some reason. A) Remakes don't have to be identical, and B) That'd be why "at first" was in there.
I never played the first two myself, but I've played through Fallout 3 and ever DLC for it, and freaking love that game. Played through New Vegas as well and loved it too, but haven't gotten through the DLC yet. Still on Dead Money.
So I can't speak for how similar or dissimilar to the original Fallout games it is, but I see Fallout fanyboys decrying Fallout 3 while slavering over New Vegas and I just don't get it.
Fallout 1 and 2 are fantastic, but you can't go back. They are products of their time and they will remain two of my favorite games of all time.

Hell, I went by Frank Horrigan on the internet for years.
I'd like to say Spyro the dragon, but I'm not sure if that counts since Spyro died a horrible death years ago. And was brought back to life in a horrible new form.
What you talking about? Skylanders has been getting decent reviews and the toys are flying off the shelves.
Because that's not a Spyro game. They just tacked Spryo on just for nostalgia factor. I ain't sayin' it's a bad game (albeit expensive) but I ain't buyin' it. Plus the fact that you "Don't need to play as Spyro" proves my point a smidge. They just added em in, because he was a famous name to begin wit. The first remake at least had some of the characters from the original series, this one doesn't have ANY of previous Spyro lore.

Seriously how much is a single toy, like 15 bones? That's basically a memory card.
I didn't realize Spyro was ever that popular.
What are you kiddin'? This was one of the most iconic Sony Platformer games out there! This was considered along with Crash Bandicoot to be Sony's mascot! And then Insomniac sold the license because Ted Price felt: "As a character, Spyro is kind of limited. Seeing as how he doesn't have hands, he can't do most things like hold a gun." THIS IS WHY THE RATCHET AND CLANK SERIES WAS MADE! Which ain't a bad series, but I'm still pissed at Ted.
What are you kiddin'? This was one of the most iconic Sony Platformer games out there! This was considered along with Crash Bandicoot to be Sony's mascot! And then Insomniac sold the license because Ted Price felt: "As a character, Spyro is kind of limited. Seeing as how he doesn't have hands, he can't do most things like hold a gun." THIS IS WHY THE RATCHET AND CLANK SERIES WAS MADE! Which ain't a bad series, but I'm still pissed at Ted.
I remember they made a big deal out of him at first, trying to make him another mascot alongside Crash Bandicoot, but I don't remember it ever catching on. Hell, I only know one person other than myself who has played any of the Spyro games, and I only played the first one.

I seriously thought he was just another failed attempt at marketing a mascot, like.... I don't know, Gex, or, VectorMan. OH! Or Tiny Tank (FUUUUUUUUUCK that game had the hardest boss battle ever)
He was most definitely NOT a failed mascot...just forgotten. Insomniac didn't know what they had so they sold it to Vivendi(formerly Universal Interactive) where they made shitty sequel after shitty sequel. Spyro Enter the Dragon Fly was one of the WORST sequels I've ever played. Most of the power ups were only useful in one level, and there was ONE only ONE boss-fight. And I'm not talking about Super Marios bros, now Bowser had different attack patterns in each level, this was ONLY one fight. And what sucks is that two other former bossess appeared in the game BUT THEY NEVER DID ANY-THING!
Huh, just looked him up on Wikipedia. I didn't know there was so many Spyro games, either.
I remember the first two, and then the next one I heard about (Also the last one I heard about) was Enter the Dragon Fly, the one you just mentioned.

I don't know how to explain it, I just didn't know.
Huh, just looked him up on Wikipedia. I didn't know there was so many Spyro games, either.
I remember the first two, and then the next one I heard about (Also the last one I heard about) was Enter the Dragon Fly, the one you just mentioned.

I don't know how to explain it, I just didn't know.
Sallright, not every series is for everyone. The first 3 Spyro games are like the Star Wars films. Silly, but great and incredibly memorable. And everything else was the equivialent of the prequel films. Messes with established cannon, doesn't hold up to the originals, all around BAD. I heard the remakes were at least okay but still.
Talkin' failed game series, talk about Rayman....Raving Rabbid(see what I did there). I was so glad when this stupid series was over. They were so FREAKING annoying. They wer also a playable character in the Ninja Turtles brawl game. Whoever thought that was a good idea was out of their damn mind.
Basically. Though we're getting the full official release of Cold Stream soon and then they'll be picking the next mod campaign to make official.

Left 4 Dead 3 probably won't happen until after DotA has been out for a bit.
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