[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

I am completely incapable of making a rogue deck that isn't gimmicky and silly. What is it about this set of cards that makes me want to do silly shit.
You're still behind, it's all pirates now
I've done the entry missions and gotten eight or nine booster packs for Mean Streets of Gadgetzan and incorporated some of them into my Priest deck, but many of the players I face seem to have their decks centered on boosting an all-powerful tentacle god that unleashes holy hell if/when summoned. One Warrior had a minion out that makes Battlecry happen twice, so when C'thwahtever was summoned, he did 28 damage to me.

More often though, they devote a lot of resources to boosting this thing and then lose the game before ever drawing it.

Side-note: I started a fakey email for my Hearthstone account from before, which I don't remember, so I had to start anew.
Well, that's why you're seeing that stuff, it only shows up at really low ranks right now, since I think C'Thun is still a free card? Maybe not.
Some of these strategies, I could have my best possible hand and it would do me zero good.

I can't really bitch though, because I run a Priest deck, and I'm sure when I've turned an Elven Archer into a 10/10 on the fourth turn people have called that bullshit.
Some of these strategies, I could have my best possible hand and it would do me zero good.

I can't really bitch though, because I run a Priest deck, and I'm sure when I've turned an Elven Archer into a 10/10 on the fourth turn people have called that bullshit.
It's like looking into the past!
C'thun came out as only an 8/8. Some of those hit me, others hit my Gurabashi Berserker. Gave him 19 attack power.

Need a button on the hero that says "Congratulations, you played yourself."
I got a Weasel Tunneler in my most recent Gadgetzan booster pack. Is there any non-lulz reason I shouldn't just turn this thing into arcane dust?
@Emrys will sic her minions on you.

Apparently it's got some weird interactions with other stuff that lets you deal damage to your own minions and such.
Apparently it's got some weird interactions with other stuff that lets you deal damage to your own minions and such.
You can also use it to trigger "leaves play" effects for your opponent, if that matters. Right now the only one I can think of is Cult Master, which isn't all that useful unless you're into fatigue.
...anyone know how it functions with Reincarnate/Feign Death/Moat Lurker/Ancestral Spirit/etc?

You can also use it to trigger "leaves play" effects for your opponent, if that matters. Right now the only one I can think of is Cult Master, which isn't all that useful unless you're into fatigue.
...anyone know how it functions with Reincarnate/Feign Death/Moat Lurker/Ancestral Spirit/etc?

Saw a video about it somewhere. Weirdly.
I've been trying to do the missions each day, but I don't know if I feel like the work to win 5 brawls.

If I understand this brawl correctly, the best way to do it is to have crucial cards be the only ones to appear for a certain mana-cost, and fill up the rest of the deck on different, unimportant mana-costs so you're guaranteed to get the cards you want/need in your hand every time?