wow, i am lost

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Im trying to get to Tanaris and/or Gadgetzan on my dorf warrior, im in auberdine right now and im lost as fuck, all these connecting zones, nothing with a straight path there i can find, help?
Not the easiest place for Alliance to get to, but...

From Auberdine, you'd need to head through Ashenvale, until near the east side, head down into the Barrens, go all the way down the Barrens into Thousand Needles, go down the southeast path of Thousand Needles, and all the way down the salt flats of the Thousand Needles, and then you're in Tanaris. Gadgetzan is right there.

Alternatively, you can skip Ashenvale if you have a flightpath to Ratchet.

Also alternatively, you can go through Stonetalon Mountains, through the Charred Vale into Desolace, go all the way down Desolace into Feralas, all the way through Feralas, south and then east, and then through Thousand Needles...

Honestly, the Barrens/1kNeedles path is the best way to go. It's all Horde questing area though, so be cautious. I don't feel bad for you since we Horde have to go through Wetlands/Dun Morogh/Loch Modan to get to the Badlands :p.


man this leveling guide is shit then..every time i hit a level for a new area, its always some super far off area that alliance has virtually no quests in and is teaming with filthy horde *sigh* why cant ironforge just have zones of all lvl ranges near it..
Are you sure you're not reading a Horde leveling guide? :p

The Alliance have nice big pockets of good questing. Tanaris is an equal opportunity zone, like Winterspring, but it does take going through Horde zones to get to.

Feralas is a good place. So is Azshara, where the Alliance's quests mostly in one area and the Horde's are mostly in another, with minimal overlap, but that's not until level 50, I think. I'm guessing if you're heading to Tanaris, you're around level 40, so Feralas should be a good place in the alternative (the Alliance quest hub is an island though). You could also hit the Hinterlands if you want.


this is the guide im goin by, it was great till around lvl 30ish when it started taking me neck deep in to Horde area (i love pvp) BUT it would take me on these long journeys to get there and i have no clue where im goin.. i mean i had like twenty tabs open in firefox just tryin to figure out how to get to Darnasus..

This is why I don't use levelling guides my first time through. Without the meta-knowledge of the game, it's way too easy to end up somewhere annoying whereas if you already know the game, you can go "Eh, I'm going to skip that part" or do it another way.
If you want one that is a bit more in depth, check out

As Zen said though, it can be really easy to miss some cool stuff if you use guides. Personally I got lost around 30 too, but I was Horde. The world is so damn big it's easy to get lost in. The guides helped steer me in the right direction.
In most cases, the quests will lead you in a line that will let you keep leveling and questing. It's only when you run off to other places that you can get mixed up as to where to go.

...Which is always what I do :p.
With the original world it is a bit hard to find where you should be exactly. After about 25 you are going back and forth in between zones. You almost need to do part of a zone, go somewhere else, come back, go somewhere else, and come back again to finish it off. It does make the world seem a bit more connected though.

When you get to BC and WotLK you go to a zone, work there till you're done, and then go to the next one. There isn't a need to go back and forth anymore.


I personally don't use guide as much. Before I quit, I use to use questhelper (until they bloat it) then I use a map add on which just show mobs and such relating to your quest. Cartographer add on. It was awesome. You don't get any hints just where the mobs resides and possible location where your quest can be. This helps a lot to plan out what you want to do.
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