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Wahad's Writing Pad




I'm not sure if writing is welcome here, but since it is the only thing I can do with reasonable skill (or so I've been told) I thought I might as well.

So, writing! I do so occasionally - no novels, no short stories, just whatever comes to mind, one/two pages long. Sometimes people (mostly my girlfriend) give me challenges. No poetry, just prose. Mostly fantasy as well. Expect nothing really original, but hopefully you'll enjoy it nonetheless.

I'll just put some stuff here and if people like it (or not) I can put up some more (or not). So tell me what you think, Halforums! Don't shy harsh critique - I need it.

View attachment 513
(This is part of a larger thing, namely a play-by-post roleplay that I'm part of on another board. It's about vampires, mostly cribbed from Vampire: The Masquerade, with a little on how I think vampires should be written inserted. My character is Andreas, son of a Welsh clanlord. Andreas went with his uncle and a few others into exile after Cadfael (his father) became power hungry. He allied himself with another vampire-clan out of necessity, and that leads to being confronted with a dilemma: upholding his ideals or surviving. This is backstory on when he was still human.)

View attachment 514
(Just a drabble)

View attachment 516
View attachment 515
(These two are part of a story- and worldbuilding outlet. I may or may not attempt NaNoWriMo with this setting, depending on how things go)

