Export thread

Supervillainous 369




I wanted to cut down on the distortion from resizing my panels, so I tried vector inking in the first two panels, and I worked on a smaller canvas in the last two.




Meat must be less scrawny than I expected, and I expected him to be pretty wiry already.





The top two panels actually look really good, really crisp. By comparison the bottom two panels look slightly fuzzy.




The top two panels actually look really good, really crisp. By comparison the bottom two panels look slightly fuzzy.
I was writing about it in the Random Crap thread, but I have figured out the biggest problem with using the Vector art. That basically keeps my overall work time roughly the same, so I'm seriously - meaning very, very likely, making the switch.

Here's the idea. Artstudio has a powerful suite of image manipulation tools, which made adjusting sketches a breeze. I can do my sketches there, import them to Sketch Club, ink and color there, and send the images to Strip Designer where I letter the comics. Bounce it back to Artstudio one more time to resize the page for publishing.




I'll chime in to agree that the top two panels are noticebly nicer.

Also, to add that that I'm still hooked on the comic, so: nice work!
