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So I wrote a piece on creationists vs. evolution



So I saw this batshit insane video by Kirk Cameron and was inspired to write something which contained my views on the whole subject. Six beers later I was finished, and rather pleased with the outcome. You can find it here. Those who are uninterested can scroll down and read my much more jaunty and blasphemous letter to subway, which I wrote quite awhile ago.

I'd definitley like to see some comments/thoughts. Good, bad, agree, disagree, etc.




Y'know, I'm a little tempted to order a few hundred copies m'self, then use them for target practice (public bookburning would be a tad too... Reich of a solution, admittedly).

We don't have many of these kind (Creationists, I mean) hereabouts, but after stumbling into some religious channels and listening to you fellas here, I think it's rather creepy how these people embrace willing ignorance. Some of the arguments for ID that this Cameron guy seemed to suggest were completely unfounded: no proof of transition in the fossil records? Bitch, please... And yes, the whole Hitler thing and Darwin's scruples as a Victorian man. I'm surprised nobody has yet dig up his physician's notes to see if he had hemorrhoids. "Darwin wrote his Theory of Devilution out of anger with his bleeding piles". That would be the day...

Um, I think I'll go rant somewhere else...
