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Question for those who has gotten their A+ certification




I need to get my A+ so I can move up at my work. Now my work supplies some online study courses . Most of it seems like real basic knowledge. I am concerned hat they may not be training me for the material that the A+ exam is going to ask. The reason I am concerned is because I took a free A+ practice test online and they were asking questions my works study course never went over. On the free practice test they were asking questions about Windows 9x systems and what boot files loaded for each one. So I was wondering if anyone who has gotten their A+ certification can let me know either what subjects to study or if they know of a good sit to study from. Any help will be appreciated.



Question for those who have gotten their A+ certification

A+ is horseshit. Seriously.

Why? Cause no classes you generally take on it, really prepare you fully. Like you say theres a good bit about 9.x systems but then again it could cover 2k, NT, ME, XP, Vista and now Win7.

Your best bet is to just study up on all versions of Windows. While they are mainly the same each one has it's owns intracacies obviously.

Not to mention having to renew the cert every year is crap. I could understand if it was on the heels of a new major OS or maybe even service pack release but those long years between Windows version releases, its just time and money out of your pocket to retake them.

Unless the jobs you want require A+, skip it. It's just another thing that looks good on paper.




My work doesn't expect me to renew it each year but they do expect me to have it. They have flat out told me that f I want to move up I have to have it. If I do get it I can get moved to a IT technician job that pays almost double what they are paying me now. All my co-workers are telling me the A+ is a joke (as I already knew) but my work still demands it.




The A+ cert changed in 2006/2007 or so, the online practice test might be testing you on an outdated version.

Really, as far as hardware tech certs go, the A+ is kind of like the white belt. It says you are an initiate but it at least shows the rest of the world that you know the difference between anode and cathode, SDR/DDR, SIMM/DIMM, RJ11/RJ45, etc. Think of it as 'Tech 101,' a prerequisite for any other technology class. Without the A+ skills (acquired through classwork or otherwise), you will not be able to effectively do any sort of tech job.





Well I already know most of the study material that they have been giving me. And yes I know the A+ is nothing more than the basics but my work says I need it. So I am just trying to find some study material for whats going to be on the test.




I took my works two practice tests for the A+ and I got a 83% on one and a 87% on the other one. I think I will go back and try to get some more studying in before I go actually take the A+ exam.
