PS3 problems

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So, I finally got myself a PS3, as well as an HDMI cable. Since I don't have a high-def TV, I thought I would hook it up to my 1080p computer monitor, and everything would be gravy.

Well, when the ps3 is outputting in 1080p, it looks goddamn beautiful. The problem, however, seems to come from the fact that I can't get any game to run higher than 720p.

By any game, I mean ImFamous, the only game I own for it currently. Since I'm using an LCD monitor, having the game output in a lower resolution makes it look horribly pixelated, and just plain ugly. It looks better through standard hookups on my crappy old SD tv than it does on my high-def monitor.

I need your help, Halforum. Is there any way at all to force the ps3 to upscale to a 1080p output? I don't care if it isn't true 1080p, so long as that's the resolution it's putting out, so that my monitor can display it correctly.


It's because the games are made in 720p. The best solution I could find is to uncheck all of the other display options in the display settings, but this isn't reccomended, apparently.
Yeah, that only works for a few games, though. Most don't seem to support 1080p, and when every other option but that is unchecked, it will downscale to 480 instead, which looks even worse.

What I need is a way to force upscaling, which it doesn't seem the ps3 supports. The Xbox 360 does, but not the ps3 :(

So now I guess I have to either look for an afordable stand-alone hdmi upscaler, or return the damn thing and get my money back.


Option B! Option B! Don't wait until you've spent hundreds of extra dollars on it before you realize it's craptasticular. me.
This is sad, because I really want t like the ps3. There are some great games coming out for it, and the addition of blu-ray was a really big selling point. But the lack of hardware upscaling is a dealbreaker, I'm afraid.

Looks like I'll be trading it in for a 360.
It does depend on the game.

But I'll be honest; the vast, vast majority of next-gen games I own are 360 games. I mostly use my PS3 for Blu-Ray movies and the occasional exclusive.
It does depend on the game.

But I'll be honest; the vast, vast majority of next-gen games I own are 360 games. I mostly use my PS3 for Blu-Ray movies and the occasional exclusive.
The exclusives and blu-ray movies are what I wanted it for, but I don't want to have to put up with having to research each new game to see if it supports 1080p. I'm sure I'm in the minority, using a monitor with terrible scaling instead of an hdtv, but the lack of hardware scaling on the console itself just seems like a big mistake.

Oh well... now to find 360 games that aren't also available for pc
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