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Just finished Doctor Who season 4.




After years of bitching about the Finnish telly not showing Doctor Who past Season 1, I finally found the rest of the seasons on the internet.

Just finished Journey's End.

Bloody. Effin'. GLORIOUS!

Army of Ghosts and Doomsday, frickin' exciting - and incredibly heartwrenching :(

Pity there weren't any more Judoon save in Smith & Jones and The Stolen Earth.

The literature geak in me LOVED The Shakespeare Code to bits.

Oh Master, you gloriously evil and twisted son of a bitch!

Cried at The Planet of the Ood and The Doctor's Daughter. The song... and Jenny... *sniffles*

And the Season 4 finale... I couldn't get my eyes off the screen, and the bittersweet ending had me in tears.

Now I feel really disappointed at Finnish telly: they passed on these in favour of crappy German crime shows and The Ex List. *sighs*

Oh well... It's late and I'm probably a wee bit emotional right now. Just needed to vent in a place where there's maybe someone else who knows what the hell I'm jammerin' about.




I've yet to see those, admittedly. I just thought I'd share the sentiment with you folks.



WOT?! :D



Loved the 4th season and the specials. Can't wait for the next one, although its still quite a while until November. Then two at Christmas. Not looking forward to the new Doctor though. :(



It has highly emotional content for a 'mere' scifi show. Virtualy every single episode had a point where I had tears coming down my face. I watched each new episode with great joy and I think my heart was racing every single time of excitement alone.

I do again have to urge you to watch those 2 specials. :p

The Next Doctor is brilliant as well as funny and The Planet of the Dead is the first Doctor Who episode to be filmed in HDTV.
Basically, This.




Loved the 4th season and the specials. Can't wait for the next one, although its still quite a while until November. Then two at Christmas. Not looking forward to the new Doctor though. :(
I will ease your fears with a word. no. six.

Stephen Moffet is the head writer.
