I'm watching Spring Break Shark Attack on SyFy

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I'm going to liveblog it here for your pleasure.

They've said "Spring Break" about 100 times in the first 10 minutes. First commercial break now, and literally nothing has happened.

-- Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:19 pm --

Every single line in this piece of shit seems like it's dubbed.

-- Sat Jul 25, 2009 3:26 pm --

The horrible and obvious dubbing is really distracting, I might not make it.

There have been no shark attacks in the first almost 30 minutes, this is bullshit.

This crazy huge club and party randomly plays a slow country ballad when it's convenient to the plot.

Oh good, a young couple is alone out in the ocean. "what happens at spring break stays at spring break". Apparently the name of the town is Spring Break, USA. I like that the male romantic interest is shown to be so thoughtful and sensitive by him spending time in the bookstore next to the wild club.
I tried watching Malibu Shark Attack tonight on Syfy, which I could have sworn was the same movie, but apparently isn't? Did they actually make two crappy movies of the same premise?

I got as far as the 5th recycled footage of the crappy cgi shark before giving up. I think there was also the same footage of some little submerged beach-house that they used over and over again whenever they would cutaway to what was happening there, except it was the same damn thing every time with no development.



I don't know how bored you have to be to watch a syfy movie. But I'm pretty sure its passed the "Saw off limbs for entertainment" phase. Enjoy your new prosthetics.
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