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Help Me Think of a Road Trip Idea



My boyfriend and I had a theme park weekend planned this weekend, but it's supposed to rain, so we're going to go elsewhere instead. The problem is... the "elsewhere" is unknown. Can anyone recommend a good online road trip planner? (one that provides, not expects, a destination) I have been searching the googles and not finding much.



FLORIDA!!! Not that I'm partial or anything *cough* ok- mebbe I am, but I love Love LOVE driving along the coast- and not the cities- the west (Gulf) coast along the panhandle is lovely, the spacecoast (where I live /wave) is very nice and good beaching!)- good seafood, nice beaches, and while it is summer and pretty much nuclear hot, the beach breezes make it not so bad.

Did I mention that I love Florida?


I misread your request- sorry! I suggested a trip rather than a planner. Oh well.




Depends on how far you want to go (so allowing for travel time to and from). I could give you info in Minnesota/Wisconsin, and that's about it.




U.S. Route 50. Don't need to care about the destination. Some of the views from the VA/WV border to Grafton, WV are simply breathtaking. In many places, you're looking down onto the mountaintops.



It's all good Laurelai. :) Asking for specific ideas was kind of the original intent of the post, but it morphed in the midst of my posting because I didn't want people to have to do the work for me, especially since we don't want to go anymore than like 4-6 hours and forumites are scattered across the country/world.

DA: that sounds right up our alley as far as distance... where would you hop on 50?

(ETA: both sides of my family have lived in southern WV at one point or another [cue banjo music] so I'm familiar with the beautiful views. The people may be hillbillies but the views are beautiful!)




Lally said:
DA: that sounds right up our alley as far as distance... where would you hop on 50?
Don't have mapquest handy, but here's Wikipedia on Rt. 50 in MD.



DarkAudit said:
Lally said:
DA: that sounds right up our alley as far as distance... where would you hop on 50?
Don't have mapquest handy, but here's Wikipedia on Rt. 50 in MD.
Oh wow! I feel pretty dumb right now, since 50 runs pretty near where I live now. I just didn't make the connection that the same 50 that runs here could also be there. There's such a disconnect in my mind between West Virginia and where I live now, since I used to live north of here. It's almost like in my mind, the place I used to live when I was a kid is between here and West Virginia, so in my mind, when I asked that, it was as if I were going to be traveling through where I used to live. I know it doesn't make sense, but that's how my brain arranges it. I'm gonna stop talking now. :paranoid:




There's also a large number of horse farms along 50 in Virginia, if you're interested in such a thing.

One word of warning. Do not take US 50 from Clarksburg to Parkersburg. Deadly dull doesn't begin to describe it. ~60 miles of... nothing. :eyeroll:




There's a Lizzie Bordon B+B I've always wanted to visit.

OOH! Or the Spam Factory! Can you imagine the odor?


Cajungal said:
There's a Lizzie Bordon B+B I've always wanted to visit.
Just make sure all the hatchets are locked up if you want to take a nap on the couch... :Leyla:




I have a Texas road trip planned that I've wanted to do for a little while now. Not much help for y'all though I'm afraid.

Anyone in Texas with a free weekend who wants some BBQ and beer lemme know!



Well, looks like we're not going to go anywhere after all. :( We decided to just stick around here. Staying home is better because we're trying to save up money to buy a house. But it sucks because I really wanted to go out of town. I love road trips so much! Thanks for the ideas everyone...



Take only lefts.
Wind up at subway.
