Hal Jordan as Pretty Soldier Sailor [Strike]Moon[/Strike] OA

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Hal Jordan as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon

Looks good. Does look very Sailor Moon-like. He even does the whole back arch thing.
Hal Jordan as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon

At least he's not naked during it... that would have been too much.


Hal Jordan as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon

Transformation sequence?

Meh, I want him having a huge Lanternzord robot, even Spiderman got a robot-



Hal Jordan as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon

ah well..... it works.

Yea at least he was not naked.

Hal Jordan as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon

I got to see it ahead of time before release (working at Blockbuster has its perks).

It's...okay. It's good, but nowhere NEAR as good as Wonder Woman or New Frontier. They spend maybe five, ten minutes tops, on Earth and the rest is in space. Most of the movie focuses more on Sinestro than it does on Hal.
Hal Jordan as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon

I seriously don't get the uber-love of WW everyone seems to have... it was good, but it didn't feel very iconic, like New Frontier did.
Hal Jordan as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon

Somehow, in true Star Trek fashion, the aliens who don't speak English somehow have alien lip movements that match the english words you're hearing in your head due to the power of the ring.

:heart: SAILOR MOON! :heart:
Hal Jordan as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon

That's your problem?! They changed Abin Sur's look completely... and yet still made him a rubber head alien. meh...


Hal Jordan as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon

Power Rangers, transform!


or whatever the green one was. :eek:rly:

Seriously. Spinning? With the back arched and eyes closed? Like he wouldn't just freak out when green stuff starts hovering around him?

Well, okay.


let me get this straight MTV... you force me to sit through an ad for special K only to give me a "Not Available in you country due to copyright restrictions" message at the end of it.. the content it's self is freaking advertising!

If I ever meet the people responsible I’ll be sure to force them to watch them the entire advertisment back catalogue of Kellogg’s products to make up for the minutes I’ve time I’ve lost.
Hal Jordan as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon

@Li3n said:
That's your problem?! They changed Abin Sur's look completely... and yet still made him a rubber head alien. meh...
I'm thinking they had some corporate bullcrap reason for changing his look. Maybe he didn't look "alien" enough for the producers.
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