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[D&D 4th] Chronicles of Heaven's Gate




Campaign Info: http://heavensgate.wikidot.com (Major work in progress)
Rules Info: http://heavensgate.wikidot.com/rules
When: Primarily on Sunday evenings around 6pm eastern time (GMT -5), though games will run whenever I get bored and have at least four people show up.
What: A D&D Campaign
Software: MapTool
Voice Chat: HAHAHAHAHAH, yeah right.
Macro's Used: My own simple set of macro's for targeting, initiative, healing, and damage. Nothing more. You have to make your own power macros and I will alter them if I don't like the output. Something like the following works:
[b]Twin Strike[/b] (Attack Rolls: [t: Attack1 = 1d20], [t: Attack2 = 1d20])
[b]{Target1}[/b]: [b]<font color="#660000">[t: Attack1 + 8] vs AC</font>[/b], dealing [t: 1d8] damage.
[b]{Target2}[/b]: [b]<font color="#660000">[t: Attack2 + 8] vs AC</font>[/b], dealing [t: 1d8] damage.
I will provide examples of the attack power macro's I use on my characters along with the targeting [MACRO()] call I use on my Lib:Combat token.

Campaign Synopsis
Heaven's Gate is a campaign set upon the shards of a shattered planet that dirft on stormy winds in the upper atmosphere of Gaia, a massive jovian planet in the Celeste star system. Forty-three years ago, the Vanathien Empire crumbled under a worldwide assault on their skyships and cities by a terrible and implacable foe. The creatures, wreathed in shadow, wrought havoc and chaos upon the skylands, spreading plague and famine.

The scars of war remain and scavengers in the shadows have become brave enough to pick at the carcass of the once proud empire. Fledgling kingdoms have regained their ancient birthrights from a time before the empire conquered them, but their borders remain lawless and dangerous to travelers. The skyships are all but destroyed and the engineers and magi that maintained them have vanished or all been slain. Humanity is recovering, but is on the brink of falling completely into ruin.

Gameplay Information
Ignore the Race and Class pages on the wiki. Those are for a future "reboot" of the campaign. For now, characters can be of any class from the PHB and PHB2, using powers and items from the Adventurer's Vault and Martial Power sourcebooks. The only races allowed however, are the dwarves, eladrin, halflings, and humans. Swordmages will be added later as a retuned class called the Duskblade. I don't like the stupid swordmage name.

If you don't like that, tough. :mrgreen: You can always try to find ways to unlock the other playable races listed in the wiki.

Use this thread to show your interest in playing and post your chosen race and class. You can create it whenever, but I need to be able to access it during games. So posting it on a profiler site like Myth Weaver's is a good place to start. I will maintain an adventurer's log of xp earned, treasure obtained and equipment acquired and lost on the wiki.


Kitty Sinatra

hmmmm, do I go crazy and play two games in a row . . . I'm tempted.

I'd play a dwarven shaman.




This won't just be on Sunday's, but that's when I'll primarily run. I'll run any day I'm not busy and have at least four players sign up.




Is this the same campaign you were talking about in the other thread(s)?

If so, I guess count me in. I'll work on a first character when we get more people. I like to put a lot of time in my char's specs.




Yes, the same campaign. Multiple characters allows me to run various one-shot games and the treasure parcels and rules keep the characters on a similar power level.
