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Citizen Kane


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

[/POSTER][MOVIE]Title: Citizen Kane

Tagline: Everybody's talking about it!

Genre: [GENRE]Drama[/GENRE]

Director: [DIRECTOR]Orson Welles[/DIRECTOR]

Cast: [ACTOR]Joseph Cotten[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Orson Welles[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Agnes Moorehead[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Ruth Warrick[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Everett Sloane[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]George Coulouris[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Dorothy Comingore[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]William Alland[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Philip Van Zandt[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Buddy Swan[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Paul Stewart[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Harry Shannon[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Ray Collins[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Erskine Sanford[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Fortunio Bonanova[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Gus Schilling[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Georgia Backus[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Sonny Bupp[/ACTOR], [ACTOR]Don Ackerman[/ACTOR]

Release Date: [RELEASE]1941-05-01[/RELEASE]

Runtime: [RUNTIME]119[/RUNTIME]

Plot: [PLOT]Orson Wells was 26 when he made his first feature film Citizen Kane. The film became known as one of the greatest of all time and earned him international celebrity. The story is about the publishing business and how one thrill-seeker’s struggle for power negatively affected everybody he came in contact with and eventually lead to a merciless war.[/PLOT][/MOVIE][/CONTAINER]


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

This is probably the best and most important movie of all time.




(For the record, I've actually never seen Citizen Kane. But that never stops Charlie from passing judgement on a movie!)




It was the fucking sled!




I haven't seen this movie since high school, and now I want to see how it looks with adult eyes.
I imagine I'll notice more of the technical details than I did when I was but a teen.





I had never watched it until I took a film class. I pretty much assumed it would be interesting from a technical standpoint, but wouldn't be entertaining. I was entirely wrong. I loved it not just from an artistic/mechanic perspective, but also found it to be an entertaining movie.


Celt Z

Celt Z

Had to watch this multiple times because of school/film classes. I will say it holds up surprising well, even though the plot twist has become a pop culture cliche. I'm not sure if I'd crown it the greatest film of all time, but easily top 5.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

The funny thing about everyone quoting / referencing "Rosebud...." is that the movie isn't even ABOUT the twist.




It is nearly beat for beat the life story of the most powerful man in America at the time the movie was made. That alone makes it worth viewing. Then you had the Mercury Theater on the Air players throughout the film, again that alone makes it worth viewing (these are the people that caused the hubbub with War of the Worlds.)

The movie can be summed up by the quote from The Dark Knight, "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." That sums up Kane/Hearst. He was a populist hero until he became the corrupt shell of a man that tried to shut down Citizen Kane.


Celt Z

Celt Z

The funny thing about everyone quoting / referencing "Rosebud...." is that the movie isn't even ABOUT the twist.
You're right. It would probably be more appropriate to call it a red herring.




I had the rosebud twist spoiled for me by fucking Tiny Toons (And Animaniacs!), that's how ingrained into the pop-culture psyche this movie is.




The funny thing about everyone quoting / referencing "Rosebud...." is that the movie isn't even ABOUT the twist.
It is, however, the source of one of the biggest plot holes in movie history. :p

No one was in the room to hear him say it, the nurse was clearly out of the room when he dies, so the entire movie couldn't have happened because his dying words are the catalyst for the entire story.

That being said, it has since become one of my all time favorite films, and a constant source of irritation when I recommend it and people refuse to watch it because it's in black and white. :facepalm:




people refuse to watch it because it's in black and white. :facepalm:
Didn't Ted Turner do something about that? Oh, wait. After public outcry, he did not.

