Campaign Art

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I suppose this could appropriately have been posted in Games & More as well, but hopefully it'll fit here.

I'm preparing to DM the next chapter of Scales of War for my D&D group, and I've been trying to gather resources. One of the things I've been thinking of is to give it a more visual feel. Draw out a world map, for example (or, as much of the world as they need to see), and sketch some introductory pictures for a few locales. I'll also be trying to sketch out some random citizens and NPCs of interest. I'm a very visual person, and I figure this will give me a reason to break out the ole sketchbook.

But it made me wonder whether or not it might be cool to have a bit of a campaign art exchange on the site. Old stuff is cool, it might be inspiration to sketch some new stuff for you too. It is for me.

Anything I contribute will have to take a few days as I don't have access to a scanner immediately. They will also only be sketches: I don't ink very well, and I wouldn't know where to start with color. But if you have a half hour some day, and you can draw worth half a damn, maybe we can help each-other (and a few resident DMs) out!


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I asked a more artistically talented friend to draw my elven ranger Lugain (from our GM's revamped Scarred Lands setting, with a test of D&D 4th edition and later on flow) and Mirrorskin Jonah Boon (from Changeling: The Lost) a few months back. I'll see if I can find them, they were pretty cool...
I commissioned this for a character I played in a campaign. He was a beguiler (master illusionist).
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