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Art Preview from Tome of Monsters - impressive video




Juan Diego Dianderas is one of the artists that 4WFG has hired to great effect in the past, and in this video he shows off his most impressive skills in working on one of our monsters, the Ziburinus.




Impressive. I wish I had the time to do all that detail work.




The commentary on the video from Juan Diego:

Illustratiion done for /4windsfantasygaming.com/ href="http://4windsfantasygaming.com/" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://4windsfantasygaming.com/
Grisaille Video Tutorial - 117 Minutes.

0:01 - Use paint tool SAI to fill in the entire area I'm gonna paint. If you want a distinction between elements, you fill in each one with a different shade of grey on a different layer.
0:23 - Go into photoshop to do some cleanup. I flatten lineart and shading into one layer.
0:35 - Go into Painter
0:40 - I use a wet acrylic brush to paint in with lighter shades, bringing up volume. I do one pass with a slightly lighter grey and then a second pass with an even lighter shade.
1:00 - Don't worry about smudging over your lineart.
1:15 - Use black to make dark areas darker.
1:50 - I use pure white only for highlights.
4:26 - I go back into photoshop.
4:28 - I do a basic Levels adjustment.
4:30 - I create a new layer, set it to Overlay and plop a color gradient on it to give me the general tone of the pic. Then I experiment with the opacity of the gradient layer until i'm happy with it.
4:32 - I create a new layer, also set it to overlay, and paint on it using a custom brush from Adonihs's Brush Pack (/adonihs.deviantart.com/art/My-Br href="http://adonihs.deviantart.com/art/My-Br" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://adonihs.deviantart.com/art/My-Br­ush-Pack-118954791) set to 30% opacity.
4:45 - I color very loosely using that brush.
4:55 - If the color is too washed out, I create a copy of the color layer and also set it to overlay, with a lower opacity, to build up color.
4:57 - I do some cleanup aaand... done.
Here is the finished pic - /dl.dropbox.com/u/11358122/Pathfinder/ziburinusmall.jpg href="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11358122/Pathfinder/ziburinusmall.jpg" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11358122/Path...
You can visit me at /0-duredhel-0.deviantart.com/ href="http://0-duredhel-0.deviantart.com/" rel=nofollow target=_blank>http://0-duredhel-0.deviantart.com/
I'm a starving artist and always open for commissions ;3
So that's 2 hours compressed into 5 minutes. I'm still hugely impressed.
