Anyone else pre-order sword coast legends...

I mean, I'm going to get it, but if I play anything tonight it'll be while drunk and not until after my pen and paper version of this game. ;)

(Disclaimer: probably not drunk)
a 3gb download fired off at 2:10pm.

Since I've never played the game before, and the "head start launcher" is only 128mb, I'm guess I'm getting the entire game download at this time, and probably will be able to play as soon as it's done.
play was going really well until malwarebytes started a scan in the middle of a dungeon crawl, bringing everything on my machine to a crawl.

Quickly rolled a fighter dwarf, though that's not my normal play style, so that I could get into the action as quickly as possible with a minimum of thought or fuss.

No network lag. Fun running around killing things, though they do need to implement some kind of loot sharing in dungeon crawls. Right now, it's first-come-first-served. Since the "head starts" don't show all of the features of the full game, there may be some kind of loot sharing either in the works or implemented but not shown.

Doesn't help that I have a vmware virtual machine running in the background for work--will give it a try in 10 more minutes after I close vmware and malwarebytes
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looking into the DM tools now. It's a bit overwhelming without any real documentation as of yet, but I'm hoping to build my first module by sometime tomorrow.
I'm really not super impressed by DM mode so far. I *like*it, but it feels more like a good start than a completed tool.
Yeah, it doesn't seem like everything I could've hoped it to be...but I can see myself having fun with the limited tools at my disposal.
Got my module built. Once I started figuring out how it all went together, it went much faster.

Now I just need to find someone to help me test it :)