Recent content by High Ground

  1. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    Well take hydrogen thrusters for example, people like to build Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica ships with hidden hydrogen thrusters. They usually do this with the thruster damaged turned off. So take this blueprint for example...
  2. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    Well I've been a playing Multiplayer since Plains of Elysium, and I've had a real go with the new multiplayer and I can say for a fact that this is playable, and what you see in the video is as advertised. 1533805199 Thruster Damage - Thruster will do damage to blocks, but its not as quick as...
  3. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    Well at least they're taking steps in the right direction. Albeit very small steps.
  4. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    With regards to Jump Drives, if you do a max jump it take time to fully recharge.
  5. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    I've actually been playing on a server as of late. And I can say this, they are far more stable than they were back when we used to play on Plains of Elysium.
  6. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    In regards to the new multiplayer netcode, they had 3 versions they were testing and choose the best out of the 3 as the base for the new netcode. Plus the too the best features from the 2 netcode prototypes that failed and added those features (Magboots & in-game voice chat) to the "New...
  7. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    Good News! We have new multiplayer net code to test out, 3 different versions actually. Paper, Rock and Scissors are the three versions to choose from. In a few weeks with more testing, they should have in narrowed down to only one, and then they will fine tune and polish that version and it...
  8. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    I've been busy as of late and have two PvP designs I'm looking for feed back on. Steam Workshop Link: Steam Workshop Link:
  9. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    The above video is from the new development branch, a new feature was implemented that allows you to paste grids into voxels. Being a new feature its still a bit buggy but by the time they get to the next stable branch release I fully expect the problem to be solved.
  10. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    I'm not suggesting we host all the picture on here. But for example I have quite a few pictures on Imgur, but most were not accessible to the general public in a complete gallery. What I'm suggesting is if people are using Imgur or similar sites, the create a master gallery, with all their...
  11. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    I've noticed that a lot of the image links in this post are dead (not surprising give how old the post is). I noticed that a lot of the images were post to imgur, I'm wondering if everyone could make it where we could see everyones old imgur images.
  12. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    Well with patch 1.139 we now have a "Stable Build" which will only be update once a month, and a development build (1.140) which will be update weekly. So maybe we can finally get some PvP servers going again. Hey GasBandit, do you think Dernabit will ever start Plains of Elysium back up again?
  13. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    Multiplayer is a work in progress. Last week they made it where your characters movements are done server side then transferred to the client, this eliminates you from phasing threw walls and dying. For space great, planets (needs work as planets in multiplayer are not unplayable, but are more...
  14. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    Holy Shit I things we just got new netcode this week!
  15. High Ground

    Space Engineers

    I haven't noticed any memory leaks since for the last few patches. If you talking about drilling, its been changed to more of a pulse now, it really cuts down on server lag.