What are you playing?


Staff member
Nov 26, 2008
The devs themselves have said it's a bug so I don't know if you should trust whoever on discord is telling you this.

I thought it was one of the devs on discord. Maybe I got fooled by a guy who created a similar name. Gotta remember, I'm just getting off a 13 hour day. I'm not the brightest bulb in the shed.
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Nov 27, 2008
They finally got Matchmaking working in Helldivers 2. Spend the last 3 hours with 2 Texan dudes, one from the Midwest an me, from Germany. No lag at all. Hella fun.
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Saints Row (2022 reboot)

I was browsing my Epic Game Store library and completely forgot I had this.

And it's...dull. The game itself looks nice and I like the aesthetics and design of the world. But the characters are dull. The story is dull. And I realized the sound design is dull, too. There's no "oomph" to the car engine or the gun shots or even the police sirens. I didn't even realize I was getting chased by the cops until I saw I had a small wanted meter. All the sounds are so dulled to the point that I can barely hear them.

I'll try playing through a little longer, but I don't think this is going to hold my attention for long.

Also, super minor nitpick, but I hate that there's no British/Cockney voice for your character anymore. My guy in Saints Row was often this red-headed cockney bastard and now, any voice just doesn't sound right.
Assassin's Creed Vahalla

Apparently, I'm in the mood for a new sandbox game because I gave this a try via PS Plus.

It's...okay, I guess? I like the viking setting but it has all the usual trappings of a Ubisoft game. It all feels very samey to any others I've played before And to date, I've only had the patience to complete Black Flag. Any other Ass Creed game bored me after an hour or two

In this case, I think what turned me off is the looting and loot leveling mechanics. Where you constantly get new weapons that incrementally get better with little difference except the numbers. And just...blehhhhhh. That feels so tedious to me. I know there's a large section of gamers that are into incremental loot mechanics but that's just not for me.

I'll keep it installed for now and maybe give it another shot, but I can see the looter mechanics turning me off quickly, as it did with AC: Odyssey.


Nov 27, 2008
I can see mountains!
I've been playing Nightingale and it's pretty, but the grind to get better gear so you can grind to get better gear so you can grind to get better gear is really strong with it.
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Nov 27, 2008
Balatro. It's a poker roguelike that has the juice. I started playing at 10 pm expecting to try it out before bed and it is now.....5:55 am.


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Death Stranding

Gave this a second shot after giving on it early in almost two years ago. I decided to start from scratch.

And this time, I got a little further. Last time, I'd encountered my first group of ghosts and had to escape. I don't remember why, but I gave up on the game at that point. This time, I got past that part and realized that was essentially just the tutorializing part of the game.

So I started playing the main game, trying to be patient about sitting through Kojima-length cutscenes. Then I got to a part about inventory management and Jesus Christ, the game makes it hard just to move things from one thing to another. I don't think I can explain how frustrating the process was, as I couldn't figure out what should be a simple process.

So, I'm giving up again, because of the shit menus this time. Maybe I'll give the game another chance, but at this point, I don't think I will.
Nov 27, 2008
...trying to be patient about sitting through Kojima-length cutscenes...
Just being willing to make the attempt makes you a better man than me Nick. I think MGS2 is the only Kojima game I've ever bought & I fully expect that will never change.

There are obviously people who do like Kojima's style of game & I wish them well of it, but they are not for me. They are very much not for me.
Just being willing to make the attempt makes you a better man than me Nick. I think MGS2 is the only Kojima game I've ever bought & I fully expect that will never change.

There are obviously people who do like Kojima's style of game & I wish them well of it, but they are not for me. They are very much not for me.
Yeah, I had to steel my ADHD-addled brain for the cutscenes. I knew, if I tried playing it again, that I had to just accept it. And until I got to the frustrating menu navigation, I was kind of getting into the story and the world. It's JUST interesting enough that I'd really like to be patient enough to play through it.
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Jun 3, 2012
I have some wicked delays today so I bought a new game to distract me. Bandleader Tale. It’s weird, but cute and fun. I’ll update as I play more.
Nov 27, 2008
I have so many hours in this game after having so many hours in the demos. :D
I'm up to 20 hours played and I've owned it since Thursday night....

Opening up the checkered deck seems to be meshing with how I like to play a great deal. Finally cracking the difficulties. Also, actually remembering to use the skip blind tag feature really opened up the game.

I'm kind of stoked to get to the point where I'm cracking the game wide open and hitting the insane scores of the higher antes.
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Dec 2, 2008
I'm up to 20 hours played and I've owned it since Thursday night....

Opening up the checkered deck seems to be meshing with how I like to play a great deal. Finally cracking the difficulties. Also, actually remembering to use the skip blind tag feature really opened up the game.

I'm kind of stoked to get to the point where I'm cracking the game wide open and hitting the insane scores of the higher antes.
I have yet to clear 8 antes. RNG hates me. I'll have a crackerjack deck, and then get "Draws after the first one only show the backs."....FUUUUUU-
Dec 2, 2008
I have yet to clear 8 antes. RNG hates me. I'll have a crackerjack deck, and then get "Draws after the first one only show the backs."....FUUUUUU-
Of course as soon as I say something, I start crushing. Got up to Ante 11 and a hand size of 2,122,422.


Jan 17, 2009
I'm playing Contra Anniversary Collection. Contra is harder than I remember, Super C is a lot easier than I remember and Contra III is imposible.
Nov 27, 2008
The SNES Contra?

That's neat. I could beat that one blind-folded as a kid but the NES Contra was a game I thought was impossible.
Jun 3, 2012
I started No Man’s Sky earlier. It’s really pretty and I like exploring. I have no idea what I’m doing, but I made it off the freaky volcano planet and to a pretty jungle one.
Nov 27, 2008
Trying out Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries now that it's got a load of DLC that add full campaigns to the game as well as much needed variety to the procedurally generated missions. Also added the Solaris arena. The modding scene is pretty fantastic too, opening up the Mechlab to be more like MWO than base MW5. It's now close to being a good follow up to Mech4 Mercenaries. The only thing holding it back is it's God awful main story.
Nov 27, 2008
Had a funny moment in Helldivers 2. During a defense mission against the Bots, I threw a strategem summoning a Eagle airstrike, which stuck to one of the bots. A teammates mortar hit that Bot which ragdolled him towards me, including the beacon. In my mind i had the "to be continued" meme from JoJo playing and half a second later the Eagles strike hit, blowing me to kingdom come.
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Dec 6, 2008
SE Texas

Got this one through Prime Gaming and decided to try it knowing nothing about it. Maybe it's because my depression is bad and allergy season is making me grumpy, but I rage quit after a very short while. I got annoyed that the game kept stealing control from me. I legitimately thought there was something wrong with controller inputs because it kept partially locking me out of controls. I'd go from having full control and then step forward into a section where I'd suddenly lose the ability to do anything but move forward. You can't jump until the game gives you a pop-up tutorial for the jump button, and then very shortly later takes away your ability to jump until you slowly walk forward to trigger a cut scene, after which you get full control again. And then it keeps stealing control this way over and over for slow fucking cut scenes.

This game also runs terribly on my machine, and I have no idea why.

Maybe this is a good game that just has a horrible start, but I'm giving up and moving on.
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Jun 2, 2009
Finishing off a full play through of Baldur's Gate III still... taking my time.
Started playing Goblin Stone which I've really enjoyed. Little bit of Darkest Dungeon, little bit of XCOM base building. Just good chill fun before I happen back into Stellaris, give Keeper RL a try or something else on my 'to be played list'. Don't sleep on Goblin Stone though!


Staff member
Dec 6, 2008
SE Texas
Rage 2

A longer review than anyone cares to read about an old and mediocre game:

This was a fun distraction from the pain in my sinuses. It does fast paced combat very well, and there's a lot of it. There's also a lot it doesn't do well, though. This game has the single most disappointing end game weapon I've used in long while. The hyper cannon SUCKS! Let me explain why...

This game strongly encourages, and rewards, fast, close combat. Your special abilities are mostly short range. Enemies drop health pickups that disappear after a short time, and they drop more health the bigger your kill streak. There are a whole bunch of upgrades to enhance rushing in and killing fast. Weapon accuracy at long ranges isn't great, but you'll still get your health whittled down trying to shot enemies at range. Overall, you're trained early on that the best way to get combat done is rush in and kill fast.

Then comes the hyper cannon, which is a shitty railgun. Most of the weapons in the game are technically optional, but usually the hyper cannon will come last. It's kept in a vault in an area rated 10/10 for combat difficulty. I was expecting something that could one-shot most common enemies. It can't. Not even with a charged up headshot catching enemies off guard. Because it's blocked by armor and most enemies have helmets. One shot from an upgraded hyper cannon can fully strip off that armor, but you know what else can? The shotgun. The third weapon you get in the game can kill enemies in the same amount of shots as the last (out of like 9 or 10). You have to be closer to kill with the shotgun, but then you're also close enough to use your special abilities, and pick up the health bursting out of your fallen enemies like they're pinatas. The hyper cannon is a weak weapon that doesn't fit the play style that has been heavily incentivized for most of the game.

  • The shotgun is satisfying and powerful.
  • Special abilities are flashy and effective.
  • Combat is fun, and just keeps ramping up. Until you're juggling a whole bunch of abilities on cooldown, swapping between weapons, dashing around leaving chaos in your wake.
  • The game runs well and feels responsive on my machine, even when only getting FPS in the high 30s. (Seriously, I was getting like ~45 fps in the initial rocky desert area, and thought I was going to be screwed when I hit the jungle area. Nope, every area in the game runs pretty much the same. Steady and fluid... until it crashes, which is only enough to be a minor annoyance.)
  • The game looks pretty damn good. I especially liked that the greenery wasn't just grass, bushes, and trees. There's giant aspargus/bamboo looking stuff in the wetlands, melon-cactuses in the desert, and strange looking flowers in the wilds. Someone put more creativity into the plants in this game than went into most every other cookie-cutter design choice.
Screenshots, on medium-ish settings:

Mediocre bits:
  • Car driving and combat is fine.
  • The map design is okay. Very few areas felt really well designed, but also very little felt broken or obtuse.
  • The powerful shotgun overshadowed weapons with more interesting mechanics. I used the grav dart launcher and sidewinder pistol because they were fun, but they were often significantly less effective than the shotgun. The grav dart launcher, especially took a lot more effort to make useful than it shoudl have. It's fun to make enemies go flying, but not really efficient.
  • The world and lore are extremely boring. Most of the characters are completely 1-dimensional and uninteresting.
  • Almost all of the enemies are either humanoid, vehicle, or robot turret. There's giant mutant genetic experiments, and all sorts of near magical high tech, but the only thing you fight with more than two legs is a few, rare dogs. 95% of what you fight is just a standard size humanoid (100% in the DLC). Even the large sized enemies are mostly just large humanoids. There is one (1) giant sandworm, and that fight is completely optional, isn't very good, and rewards you with a crappy vehicle you won't want to drive.
  • The writing is terrible, but the game encourages you to find and collect datapads.
  • The UI is functional, but is full of tiny annoyances. Almost every entry in your logs is constantly lit up with (!) even for completed quests. Go read the datapad entry that you could have read when you picked it up. Read it, please! (Also, it might just be my system, but every time I brought up a menu, even the weapon select menu, the whole thing froze up for a second or two. Even moving between tabs in the menu would often freeze for a moment.)
  • The game constantly pops up about the locations you're passing by, even when you've completed the area and found everything on the checklist. This means getting constantly told DESTROY THE AUTHORITY SENTRY! as you're driving around, despite already having destroyed them. So you never know if the pop-up is warning you that you're about to get fired upon, or if it's just telling you that you've already done the thing.
  • Authority Sentries suuuuuuuuck. Giant, immobile bullet sponges that spam attacks and are often located in areas that don't really highlight the game mechanics that could make fighting them enjoyable. They're more obnoxious than difficult, and I mostly lamented the ammo I was dumping into defeating them quickly.
  • Why is a boomerang ("wingstick" in game lore) being pushed as the iconic weapon? This thing sucks. You're limited in carry capacity for them. They can't kill armored enemies in one shot (and usually break trying to do so, negating the boomerang function). Are useless against crowds (so why are they as limited as grenades?) They take far too much investment to upgrade, and when you do they're still a slow, risky weapon to use. I would have fixed all this by making your wingstick one of your special abilities, on cooldown after use. One unbreakable "nanotrite" powered wingstick that hits hard and always returns, but you can't spam. Cool, flashly, and powerful enough that you won't be left thinknig "why didn't I just blast this guy with my shotgun?"
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GF and I keep bouncing from game to game to game. We started off playing Baldurs Gate 3 but didn't even make it to act 2 before Age of Conan took over which gave way to Valheim which segued into Empyrion which has now yielded the floor to Factorio. All with random odd nights of Stranded Deep and a constant barrage of Idle Champions and Bloons TD6.

I don't think we'll ever finish a game.
  • I get that reference!
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Nov 27, 2008
Rage 2 being literally nothing like the exciting trailer sure was a bummer. Boring is the best way to put it.