Roman Polanski

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Dec 2, 2008
Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
By perspective, you want us to be child molesters?

Nah, I've dated plenty, I've had plenty of perspective in my social/dating life; I've never had anything in common with a 14 year old girl in 8th grade- going on high school freshman - during my junior year of college. Sorry chief.

What did you do? While all your friends were out playing beer pong, you were at a Hanna Montana sleep over?[/QUOTE]

I felt squiggy as a 17y/o dating a 15 y/o going on 16. I don't know how 22 and 14 would work. I mean maybe it's a cultural thing?
Dec 3, 2008
crono reminded me of a woman I dated when we were both 28. She was quite petite. To the point of buying clothes from the children's racks. The biggest problem we had was that she would leave her purse and ID behind. So if we stopped anywhere that needed ID, we would get kicked out. I still looked young enough then that I would get carded, and she looked 14 (half her age) and I still got treated like a dirty old man.


Yes cause we are going to take someones biased word that they are as mature as they say the person is. First of all 14 year old is in what middle school? Hasn't ever lived on her own, prolly never had a real job or even part time job, doesn't understand alot of how things work. The 22 year old is either in college/graduated college, or been working full time for at least a few years.

Its stage of the life differences, and beyond that its life experience differences. Fuck you can't even take her to an R rated movie, or bar, she can't fly on a plane without parents permision or her lying.
dude, I took care of my sister since I was 5. We live in the poorest place in Thailand and well.. food is scares. When we came back to the states my step dad and mother were busy working a lot. I took care of my sister at age 12. I can assure you while I have the responsibility, I can still be impressionable or even can be manipulated by the wrong people. Your situation may differ, but the law is design to protect the general public. I am sure if a woman of 20 might have an interest in me and make me think that she loves me I would probably fall for it then. Now.... no so much since I am more mature mentally. I may have been an "adult" in terms of responsibility, but I am not an adult in my head.

In this case
The guy drugged underage girl
The guy rapped underage girl

regardless of who is the girl. Drugging someone is a crime and raping is a crime. Of course having sex with a minor is ANOTHER crime, and skipping court is another crime.

that is 4 counts of crime here and you want this man to go scott free?


Nov 26, 2008
You admit that not everyone at a certain age is the same - this was not a legal dispute (heck, that was why I gave that example - not everyone is the same) but to show that the law generalises and because of that, there's cases where it protects people who don't need protecting. If you both know you're ready, if you both know it's right, if you both really mean it and if you both know you're mature enough, are you really going to be so narrow minded to be blinded by a mere number which means nothing really?

The girl in question grew up being abused by alcoholic parents, had to take care of her little brother and had to really fight through her childhood and despite all that she had become a wonderful woman at such young an age. I was the only person she knew at the time who understood what she had gone through and who she could open up to, and that helped her immensely, something which she admitted so herself only a few months ago (yes we're still very close friends).

And then some narrow minded gits here dare to put in question this relationship based on a few figures without knowing any of the facts.
It's all right fellas, abused girls grow up real quick.


You admit that not everyone at a certain age is the same - this was not a legal dispute (heck, that was why I gave that example - not everyone is the same) but to show that the law generalises and because of that, there's cases where it protects people who don't need protecting. If you both know you're ready, if you both know it's right, if you both really mean it and if you both know you're mature enough, are you really going to be so narrow minded to be blinded by a mere number which means nothing really?

The girl in question grew up being abused by alcoholic parents, had to take care of her little brother and had to really fight through her childhood and despite all that she had become a wonderful woman at such young an age. I was the only person she knew at the time who understood what she had gone through and who she could open up to, and that helped her immensely, something which she admitted so herself only a few months ago (yes we're still very close friends).

And then some narrow minded gits here dare to put in question this relationship based on a few figures without knowing any of the facts.
It's all right fellas, abused girls grow up real quick.[/QUOTE]

heh.. so I guess it is OK to have sex with underage girls who are abused and had to grow up fast? (I know you are being sarcastic Cat) you be surprise while they are "force" to grow up fast doesn't mean they are ready to be adults and thus the laws are in place to protect them (even if Icarus thinks they don't need protection)


You admit that not everyone at a certain age is the same - this was not a legal dispute (heck, that was why I gave that example - not everyone is the same) but to show that the law generalises and because of that, there's cases where it protects people who don't need protecting. If you both know you're ready, if you both know it's right, if you both really mean it and if you both know you're mature enough, are you really going to be so narrow minded to be blinded by a mere number which means nothing really?

The girl in question grew up being abused by alcoholic parents, had to take care of her little brother and had to really fight through her childhood and despite all that she had become a wonderful woman at such young an age. I was the only person she knew at the time who understood what she had gone through and who she could open up to, and that helped her immensely, something which she admitted so herself only a few months ago (yes we're still very close friends).

And then some narrow minded gits here dare to put in question this relationship based on a few figures without knowing any of the facts.
It's all right fellas, abused girls grow up real quick.[/QUOTE]

heh.. so I guess it is OK to have sex with underage girls who are abused and had to grow up fast? (I know you are being sarcastic Cat) you be surprise while they are "force" to grow up fast doesn't mean they are ready to be adults and thus the laws are in place to protect them (even if Icarus thinks they don't need protection)[/QUOTE]

They don't need protection, they just need a 22 year old creep to manipulate them into having sex.


Staff member
Nov 26, 2008
Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
Seriously? You are serious? And you say WE'RE the fucked up ones? Fucking pedophile.


Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
Seriously? You are serious? And you say WE'RE the fucked up ones? Fucking pedophile.[/QUOTE]

me think he is just playing Devil's advocate (I sure hope so)


Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
Seriously? You are serious? And you say WE'RE the fucked up ones? Fucking pedophile.[/QUOTE]

me think he is just playing Devil's advocate (I sure hope so)[/QUOTE]

Aren't there better ways to do that than admitting to having a relationship with a fourteen-year-old, though? I mean, devil's advocate is when you take a position you don't necessarily agree with in order to shore up holes in the argument you do agree with.


Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
Seriously? You are serious? And you say WE'RE the fucked up ones? Fucking pedophile.[/QUOTE]

me think he is just playing Devil's advocate (I sure hope so)[/QUOTE]

Aren't there better ways to do that than admitting to having a relationship with a fourteen-year-old, though? I mean, devil's advocate is when you take a position you don't necessarily agree with in order to shore up holes in the argument you do agree with.[/QUOTE]

not really. Playing devil's advocate without saying that you are usually mean either
1. you DO want to have sex with underage girls
2. you do support it but don't want to admit it

and later say "oh I'm just playing devil's advocate" at least that is how I look at it.

in this particular case, I don't agree with any type of pardon for Polanski. He commit the crime and ran, regardless of time and what he did, he needs to be punish for those crime.
Nov 27, 2008
East Texas
They don't need protection, they just need a 22 year old creep to manipulate them into having sex.
You know, most jurisdictions don't have a statute of limitations on statutory rape. The girl can file charges at any time in her adult life.

Something like this could surely come back to haunt someone some day, if they get away with it at the time.


This thread needs to get slapped.

1: Teenagers think they know everything, so of course they're going to "know" it's right.
2: "But they're so mature for their age" means they're still that age, ergo still a child.
3: Bad life experiences don't mean you're ready to have sex, idiot.
4: 11 is a "mere number" too.


Jesus Christ you are a close minded lot. No seriously, if you think that's messed up, you really need to get some perspective in life. If you think all 14 year old girls are still children, you need to get out more.
Seriously? You are serious? And you say WE'RE the fucked up ones? Fucking pedophile.[/QUOTE]

me think he is just playing Devil's advocate (I sure hope so)[/QUOTE]

Aren't there better ways to do that than admitting to having a relationship with a fourteen-year-old, though? I mean, devil's advocate is when you take a position you don't necessarily agree with in order to shore up holes in the argument you do agree with.[/QUOTE]

not really. Playing devil's advocate without saying that you are usually mean either
1. you DO want to have sex with underage girls
2. you do support it but don't want to admit it

and later say "oh I'm just playing devil's advocate" at least that is how I look at it.

That's using it as an excuse, though, rather than actually doing it.


In light of this new discussion. I'd like to officially change my stance on Polanski. I've never experienced it first hand nor known someone close enough, but thanks Icarus, you've shown me just how vomit inducing statutory rape is. Closet thing I've ever seen was a friend's sister get married at age 16 to a guy who was 18 years old. I thought that was pretty fucked up.

Although, I really don't think jailtime is going to solve much in the case regardless.


In light of this new discussion. I'd like to officially change my stance on Polanski. I've never experienced it first hand nor known someone close enough, but thanks Icarus, you've shown me just how vomit inducing statutory rape is.

Although, I really don't think jailtime is going to solve much in the case regardless.

"You're welcome!"

Except it was Iaculus.


In light of this new discussion. I'd like to officially change my stance on Polanski. I've never experienced it first hand nor known someone close enough, but thanks Icarus, you've shown me just how vomit inducing statutory rape is.

Although, I really don't think jailtime is going to solve much in the case regardless.

"You're welcome!"

Except it was Iaculus.[/QUOTE]

No it was Icarus. Iaculus has the avatar, and I'm pretty sure is gonna be laughing now that you've confused him with a pedo.
Nov 27, 2008
Dear God, so much stupidity I don't know where to start

a) you're ignorant if you think it's impossible for someone to be more mature than others their own age. Considering 16 is perfectly legal, and she was a mere month away from becoming 15, do you seriously think that a year will suddenly make a huge difference? Ignorance ignorance ignorance.

b) She was in High school, not middle school.

c) she had a job since she was 11 and she was more responsible than me in many areas.

d) you're all so narrow minded you think relationships are all about sex which says more about you all than about me. Romance does NOT equal sex - intimacy does NOT equal sex. I feel pity for you if that's all you can think about. I'm not going to talk about the details - that's a private matter.

e) Tell me how she couldn't possibly love me when she still does, 7 years later? Are you seriously so ignorant to think it's impossible for someone her age to know what love is, simply because most other girls her age don't?

f) it's not because YOU never met someone several years younger than you who you can't connect with that it's impossible - the world does not revolve around you. Me and her clicked on every level and that's what matters - I don't give a shit about your personal experiences, I know mine.

g) I never pushed myself on her AT ALL so keep your "creepy" comments to yourselves, jack ass.

And how the hell could you just go "oh it's bad for her" when she admits that I brought much needed stability in her life and that it did her a lot of good. How big a MORON do you need to be to think that? Seriously, the arrogance coming from small and narrow minded people here is baffling - I even saved her fucking life at one moment in time, yet you got the gall to say it was wrong simply because your mind is too primitive to understand?

And yes I will defend this full out, because you're desecrating one of the best moments in my life and you're insulting her to boot with your petty comments.


Icarus: I am not condeming you and your relationship but I ask you this

Did you
Drug a 14 year old and rape her?

If not, how does that relate to the original case in question?

The original topic was about sex pure and simple. It was about a man drugged a girl and raped her (basically sex without consent) He even ADMIT it. the whole point (originally) on this thread was how all these celeb is trying to get him NOT to be punish by law.

If you happen to drug that girl and raped her...... then I might condemn you since that is a despicable act, but if you didn't then, we are talking about totally two different situation now isn't it?


Dear God, so much stupidity I don't know where to start

d) you're all so narrow minded you think relationships are all about sex which says more about you all than about me. Romance does NOT equal sex - intimacy does NOT equal sex. I feel pity for you if that's all you can think about. I'm not going to talk about the details - that's a private matter.
Statutory rape involves sexual contact... I officially do not know what you have been talking about.

I still think that is one of the most bizarre things I have ever witnessed someone trying to justify, in person. I mean I have heard of it but never seen it myself.
Nov 27, 2008
He's right. These insults and rationalizations are definitive proof that being older than 18 and being romantically involved with 14 year old girls isn't creepy.
Nov 27, 2008
Icarus: I am not condeming you and your relationship but I ask you this

Did you
Drug a 14 year old and rape her?

If not, how does that relate to the original case in question?

The original topic was about sex pure and simple. It was about a man drugged a girl and raped her (basically sex without consent) He even ADMIT it. the whole point (originally) on this thread was how all these celeb is trying to get him NOT to be punish by law.

If you happen to drug that girl and raped her...... then I might condemn you since that is a despicable act, but if you didn't then, we are talking about totally two different situation now isn't it?
I'm responding to those who called me creepy, said she couldn't possible love it, said that what we had was wrong, that she was immature, etc. I can't let such ignorance stand, I'm sorry. I didn't start it after all. After a dozen such comments, I had enough.

---------- Post added at 08:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------

He's right. These insults and rationalizations are definitive proof that being older than 18 and being romantically involved with 14 year old girls isn't creepy.
"Creepy" is subjective. Gay people are "creepy" by lots of people. Senior people having sex is "creepy" by many. Heck, ugly people having sex is "creepy" too to some! Fuck creepy. That says more about the people using that word than anything else.
He's right. These insults and rationalizations are definitive proof that being older than 18 and being romantically involved with 14 year old girls isn't creepy.
"Creepy" is subjective. Gay people are "creepy" by lots of people. Senior people having sex is "creepy" by many. Heck, ugly people having sex is "creepy" too to some! Fuck creepy. That says more about the people using that word than anything else.[/quote]

Oh come on, now we're exaggerating a little bit.


How ugly are we talkin' here?


Tonight's episode of "WTF is He Talking About" Theatre was brought to you by Icarus.

Nov 27, 2008
He's right. These insults and rationalizations are definitive proof that being older than 18 and being romantically involved with 14 year old girls isn't something that only Japanese males consider acceptable


Icarus: I am not condeming you and your relationship but I ask you this

Did you
Drug a 14 year old and rape her?

If not, how does that relate to the original case in question?

The original topic was about sex pure and simple. It was about a man drugged a girl and raped her (basically sex without consent) He even ADMIT it. the whole point (originally) on this thread was how all these celeb is trying to get him NOT to be punish by law.

If you happen to drug that girl and raped her...... then I might condemn you since that is a despicable act, but if you didn't then, we are talking about totally two different situation now isn't it?
I'm responding to those who called me creepy, said she couldn't possible love it, said that what we had was wrong, that she was immature, etc. I can't let such ignorance stand, I'm sorry. I didn't start it after all. After a dozen such comments, I had enough.[/QUOTE]

I think mainly cause you brought your story into a thread that started out as older man drug and raped a girl and should he go/no go to prison after many years of self exile.

people have "sex with underage" is a no no... so when you post your story in THIS thread, it is natural to assume you are ok with it.

Now of course in history there are many relationship that worked out with a legal vs a minor. If you think about it, when I was 18 my wife was 11 at the time. Granted I met her at 20 and love her since. We been together for 9 years now and going, but I do get a little creep out and probably end up in jail if I was dating a 11 year old at the time when I was 18.

the problem is general public and human nature are usually NOT ready at that early age. Young people are easily impression by older person. It is possible that one could understand and find love at that age, but it is hard to tell with all the other girl of the same age. Do you see the difference? The main issue is that you got yourself a special case which is not hold true to the rest of the teenage "romance" "rape" "sex abuse" that is going on with all the statistics in the world. This is why there are laws to protect them all.

Now if you love the girl and never had sex with her, that is cool. The whole issue is the sex part (well in this thread is rape part) which is a big no-no unless you happen to enjoy being raped in which case you might need to seek a partner who are into those kind of things.

There are too many people taking advantage of children and mold them or guide them into things and make them think it is their idea. That is the creepy part. There are ALWAYS exception but of course you have the law of society to worry about.


Now of course in history there are many relationship that worked out with a legal vs a minor. If you think about it, when I was 18 my wife was 11 at the time. Granted I met her at 20 and love her since. We been together for 9 years now and going, but I do get a little creep out and probably end up in jail if I was dating a 11 year old at the time when I was 18.
Ah... just so we're clear, were you twenty when you met, or was she?

Just wanted to be sure.


Now of course in history there are many relationship that worked out with a legal vs a minor. If you think about it, when I was 18 my wife was 11 at the time. Granted I met her at 20 and love her since. We been together for 9 years now and going, but I do get a little creep out and probably end up in jail if I was dating a 11 year old at the time when I was 18.
Ah... just so we're clear, were you twenty when you met, or was she?

Just wanted to be sure.[/QUOTE]

I was 27 and she was 20
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