What should I watch next on Hulu?

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Staff member
I like to have something on in the background while I search Flickr for the cosplay thread. I'm running out of what's been on my list.

I've already worked through Stargate SG-1, X-men Evolution, Jack of All Trades, Babylon 5 (at least what is on Hulu), Dilbert, Doogie Howser M.D., Mail Call and that's just TV series.

Any suggestions? Nothing subtitled, because I don't want to have to keep my eyes on the screen to read.
I don't know what's available on Hulu (Canadian here) but have you seen Damages? I recently got hooked on it. The first season was excellent.


I Spy starring Robert Culp and Bill Cosby.
Irwin Allen's Land of the Giants-"In Living Color!"
Green Acres
Those are on my current list.
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