[Brazelton] The [Brazelton] tag.

I feel like respectfully this discussion be started in its own thread, since it seems it is going to rage on for a while.
Because @Bones demanded it!

Feel free to vent your spleen about how you hate people who make stupid clickbait threads for people you don't know or don't care about.

Alternatively, you may craft prose which honors the memory of the [Brazelton] tag, and how it has affected you, personally.

I don't mind it myself though using vague titles I can see being annoying and akin to vaguebooking.

This forum is usually where I find out famous people have died so it has been useful to me.
Some people are annoyed that there are too many "brazelton" threads for obscure nobodies, and want to combine them into a Brazelton thread. Others have joined in with various stances.

I think we can all agree that clearer titles would b e helpful. A joke's okay, but maybe, as a rule, at least add the name in parentheses or something.

Some feel everybody should be free to post a Brazelton about anyone or anything.
Some feel nobody deserves a separate thread, and perhaps not even a post at all.
Most seem somewhat in the middle; perhaps a thread for all the "small" ones, and separate threads for "important" people. The obvious problem is how you determine who's important.

Personally, I don't see the problem with "unknown" Brazeltons. Not about your neighbour's cousin, perhaps, but I have learned about people I'd forgotten all about, or didn't know who they were while enjoying their work, and such, so I think there's value in a Brazelton for even fairly unknown (especially "outside certain circles") people. I could see a general thread for people who you know will only get 3 or 4 replies, but I don't think we should enforce it too hard - leave someone to decide how important they thought someone was. Of course, we've done that before, and the thread faded into obscurity because, well, not enough people die in the famous-enough-to-want-to-mention-it-but-not-famous-enough-to-give-them-a-thread category.
I understand some people feel it's important to acknowledge the passing of a favorite (insert occupation) who had some kind of influence in their lives. I'd like to see it kept to one thread, maybe a sticky in the Media section. If that does work for the majority, then title the threads so we clearly know who died and why we might know them. The cleverly titled threads don't always make that connection.


Staff member
The Brazleton tag should stay. But I also agree that the title of Brazleton tags should explicitly say who died and optionally why it matters (occupation, director of X, creator of Y, etc). However I think this is a standard we can enforce solely through public shaming and peer pressure without needing to make anything "official" or mod-enforced. Sort of like how a very vocal minority (of which I was a part) snarled and hissed the Awesome Videos thread into spoilering the videos, back when that actually affected thread load times (it doesn't any more because spoilers work differently now, so it's gone back to nonspoilered).
I think I am missing some context.
This is the thread that probably started it.
You can also click the little upward-pointing arrow next to "Bones said:" in the OP quoted block to get to that thread.
Some people are annoyed that there are too many "brazelton" threads for obscure nobodies, and want to combine them into a Brazelton thread.
I got the feeling that some people want all the Brazeltons combined into a single thread so they may simply ignore that thread to avoid the Brazeltons in toto.



Staff member
omg, are we seriously so starved for controversy that we gotta argue about the brazelton tag?
I feel like this is a ridiculous topic to even be discussing.
You know, at first I felt the same as you guys, but then it occurred to me if somebody didn't say something, it might be the end of the Brazleton tag, and if you ask me, that's too important a part of our forum's memetic culture to do away with.


Staff member
One person. One loud person.
Eh, I saw more than one person raise issues with the tag's use. So I just went on record that I don't like the idea of either doing away with the tag, or limiting it to a single thread or subforum. Frankly I've never been a fan of subforums to begin with - it adds one more layer of obfuscation to thread participation.
I demand clear titles, or at least a witty title after a clear title. People trying to be witty are why there's often three different [Brazelton] threads on the same person.